Summer is ending and it’s time to start practice!  I hope you all are as excited as your coaches are for a great 2011 XC season!

We will be holding optional practices the week of August 15-19 at 9:30am, every morning, meeting at the Monta Vista baseball bleachers.  Coach Flatow will be there every morning.  If you have ‘Running of the Bulls’ and can’t make morning practice on Monday, Michael and Nandini will be running practice at 3:20 that afternoon.  On Tuesday, we are going to ask Ajay and Risako to run the afternoon practice.  The rest of the week, we will meet in the mornings only.

The first official practice will be on Monday, August 22 at 3:20pm.  Please plan on practice Monday through Friday from that date forward, starting at 3:20, every day.  We will be fine tuning the schedule of course but be prepared for a regular practice at 3:20, dressed, on the field and ready to go.

Don’t forget to bring all your paperwork, completely filled out, including all the medical forms, to the first practice!

We can’t wait to see you again…this is going to be a fantastic season!