Mountains to the Beach kicks off MVXC Summer Running
kirk on
Jun 4, 2018 •
3:48 am •
50 viewsThirty Monta Vista athletes jumped off the bus in Felton and ran through the mountains all the way to the Pacific Ocean for a day on the beach to celebrate the start of summer running! The eight mile Mountain to the Sea run has been a four year tradition for MVXC, and a way to get started with our summer training. It was another great day…thank you to Nitin Subramanian for handling all the recruiting and paperwork (this skill absolutely runs in the family, Namrata organized the inaugural run).
Student lead summer running starts on Monday, June 4. There will be two sessions per day at 7am and at 6pm; athletes pick the session that works for them. The first week the sessions will be unstructured and starting June 11 and continuing for the next eight weeks, Coach Flatow will be providing suggested runs.
Check back all summer for training suggestions, news and motivational posts!