
Monta Vista travelled to Saratoga on Thursday, May 20 for a meet–and MVTF pretty much ruined Saratoga’s senior day by sweeping every division.   You guys were not the most polite guests! 🙂  (though you did a wonderful job helping with the hurdles!  Good work.)

The team had refocused our strategy to help athletes trying to get marks for the SCVAL qualifying meet next week, so there are quite a few events with targets in mind.  In the throwing circles the effort translated to great results as Eric Zheng, Sammy Banerjee, and Henry Hodgkins combined to sweep both the discus and shot for the varsity boys–with Henry and Eric scoring PRs in the discus, while Sammy had PRs in both disc and shot!  For the ladies, Alice Ross had 10 foot plus PR while winning the discus.  Rahul almost matched Alice’s 10 foot PR with his own discus throw, and Lavinia and Anika had discus PRs also.

In the high jump, Sammi Dunn and Vivian Cheng took the top two spots–Vivian, jumping for the first time with 10 days left in her high school track career, cleared 4′-4″ (this is both impressive and annoying!  Vivian, could you have maybe tried this a little earlier???  you are a natural).  Brandon Xu had a solid 18′-6″ PR in the long jump, and so did Joey Suresh.  

On the track, there were some standout events for MV.   Sylvana and Nerea Northrop along with Upasana Dilip combined to sweep all the points for the girls 1600m race, and Nikhita Saldi, Salma Sheriff, Sydney Stevens and Vivian Lau matched this sweep in the 3200m later in the day.  Sammi, Agnes Wang, Melannie Oii, Zoe Wang and Valerie Ayzenberg, among others, chipped in more points across the track events.   Rohun Agrawal, Alex Nguyen and Pranav Reddy matched the girls’ sweep of the 3200, Andrew Cole took top spot in the 16, while Sotirios Kougiouris was one hurdle away from winning both hurdle events (he ended up with a first and a second).  Andrew followed up with points in both the 800 and the 300mH, quite an unusual triple!


Both the varsity girls and varsity boys teams scored tight 8 point wins, while the JV and FS divisions won handily.  Overall, MVTF teams now have 14 team wins with only 6 losses, and have one more set of contests next Thursday at Cupertino.

Complete results are up on Mr. Lawson’s Lynbrook site.  Agnes and her mother took some photos that you might like, too!
