It’s almost time for MVXC24!  To get you in the mood, please watch this video about the Dark Peak Fell Runners and the Edale Skyline Fell Race. Fell running is an extreme version of cross-country racing, and you will also see our sport is a lifetime sport. Look at the age range, from close to your age to older than me! I wish I had known about Dark Peak and fell racing, I might have moved to Sheffield and joined when I was 25! (I did take a bunch of alumni to try a fell race back in 2023!).


  • You need to complete your athletic clearance before you join a practice starting on Saturday at 7 am! Follow this link.
  • Practice will be at 7 a.m. on Saturday, August 10, and from Monday, August 12, to Saturday, August 17. When school starts, practice will start at 4:10 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 3:25 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, and at 7 a.m. on Saturdays, unless we have a competition or a holiday.
  • Get new shoes! Running Revolution in Campbell will give you a discount if you tell them you are part of Monta Vista cross country.
  • Get hyped for Los Angeles this season!

MVXC24 Athlete-Lead Summer Running

Week Nine Suggestions:  August 5


 Approx Miles  
DayNew3545Suggested Run (you can change!)Other
Mon579Let’s get in one set of Big Kid hill repeat before we meet for a regular season (and before we are running in the heat).  Take the new kids—and show them the way—up Regnart and Fire Trail (one way to do this is to give them a head start while you run a lap or two on the track, then go catch up to them). Head over to Matt’s Hill and run some hill repeats…any number from one to a maximum of six.  New runners, one is fine, or do some shorter ones.  Also, this time it is fine to come back down the hill for your recovery instead of the full loop (there are not too many of you today). Run back to school on Regnart, or you can come out Prospect if you want more mileage, or even…some of the kids back in the day would run Seven Springs (maybe only run 4 hill reps if you want to tackle that). It’s OK to make this a big day, tomorrow is chill.When you do your core work today, let’s focus on legs…so some extra sets of body weight squats, lunges (at least one set of backwards lunges with gentle toe taps), Runners’ Touch, etc.


56Shake out to Jollyman Park; run out to McClellan, then Bubb, Rainbow and Stelling to Jollyman (new runners or just ramping up can go out the backside of the school directly to Stelling, so you all get to Jollyman at roughly the same time). Drill, then come back to school via Rainbow and either RR tracks or Bubb.Core!!! For sure let’s include side plank with elbow to knee touch, done right!  Be stable…
Weds556Tempo Tuesday but on Wednesday!  Head out to Monta Vista Park and drill.  Come back to school on the Palm Ave route through McClellan Ranch.  New runners or runners getting back into shape can run this at conversational pace.  Overachievers with big plans for the 2024 XC season can run the three miles at Steady State Pace* or even lactic threshold pace.    Let’s get six strides on the track afterwards (you can run in-and-outs—that’s stride the straights, jog the curves—if you need an extra mile). Don’t crush this, it’s not meant to be soul-destroying.Core, and some extra shin-splint prehab—15m of heel walks B4 and after core and more if you want!
Thurs067Run out to Matadors, drill, and then continue your run at conversational pace. If you want an extra mile, run the bypass path from the golf course to Linda Vista then back through the neighborhood to MV (I like that add-on quite a bit!).Core…and let’s focus on legs (runner’s touch, reverse lunges, squats, mule kicks…)
Fri335Make this a light day…warm up on the track, get some easy running in (20-30 minutes only, runner’s choice! Maybe Phar Lap) and a set of six to eight strides and wrap it up!Core.
SatFirst day of practice as a team!  I will see you at the track at 7am! 
Sun   Would be great to do something active!  Bike ride together, get together and water run, swim, go to the beach, or the shoe store, then go have pizza…plan some fun and active things! 