I posted a couple photos of the Distance team running our first sets of hill repeats of the season (shown below), and pro runner Josh Cox texted back to me right away–‘Hills are where it’s at!

It’s true, hills give us so much as runners.  Hills make us hurt, make us work, make us stronger.  Hills are resistance work.  Hills are a coach every step, making us get fast with our legs and feet.

I was thinking about Josh’s message, and I remembered a pretty cool video of Sara and Ryan Hall running hill repeats (at 9000’–ouch!).  I was able to find it and here it is.  Pretty inspirational–watching this makes me what to go run more hills right now!  (Try to spot our friend Josh C.)  See if the video inspires you, too.

If hills are good for Josh, Sara and Ryan, they are probably good for us!


Nice workout, team.