
When Ryan Sterner visited MVXC on Friday July 31, one of the topics Ryan touched on was FKT–Fastest Known Times.  

A fastest known time–FKT–is the fastest time to cover a specific route.  An FKT is unofficial record for running a course or a course segment in the shortest time.  An FKT attempt has no bibs, no cheering fans, no medals, and sadly no t-shirts.  Since an FKT attempt is done alone or maybe a buddy or two, athletes are able to compete while social distancing.

Think about it…an FKT attempt could be the perfect pandemic competition. 

So…let’s set up some MVXC FKTs!

Here are the rules…run one of the courses below.  Email your time to Coach Flatow.  If you have a photo or a photo of your GPS that is cool (coach loves visuals!).  We will keep a running tally.  That’s how simple it is to attempt a FKT!

Remember…the competition is not the other people.  The competition is against the little voice in your head that wants you to stop.  If that little voice is telling you that this is dumb, you should slow down and take it easier, running this FKT course doesn’t really matter…tell the little voice to get out of your head, to get lost!  That’s good practice for the next time you are racing at Crystal.

So…set your personal FKT now and see if you can beat it later.  Even if you think you are the slowest freshman out there, you might set the freshman FKT.  You can only race the people that show up!  And…there can always be FKT categories (FKT boy, FKT girl, FKT alumni, FKT freshman, etc…).

You don’t have to be a current member of MVXC to make an FKT entry (alumni, I’m looking at you).

If you have another interesting course you want to add to the FKT list…I’m listening.  Submit an FKT course proposal, make it specific, make it challenging but still reasonable and something that is in the usual MVXC range, and we will consider adding it to this challenge!  

Maybe we should get shirts…


Touch the sign above to finish MVXC FKT #1.  Note the excellent social distancing by MVXC freshmen!

MVXC FKT Challenge #1:  The “Up” in Up and Over

Course Rules for FKT #1:  You must start with a foot on the RR tracks.  You finish when you touch the sign at the top that says “<–> Hayfield Trail” that is the finish (see photo above).  1.79 miles with a 445′ climb.

FKT as of August 36:  

  1. Rohun Agrawal (2021):  12:14
  2. Sylvana Northrop (2021):  15:15 (#1 girl).

  3. Ellie Hsu (2022):  16:36

  4. Coach Flatow:  20:41 on August 6, 2020.


Start of FKTs 1 and 4

MVXC FKT Challenge #2:  Climbing Horse (aka Anna Hsiao’s favorite day)

Course Rules for FKT #2:  Start at the <–Coyote Ridge Trail sign (bottom of the hill).  You finish when you touch the fence at the water tank (see photos below).  0.93 miles with a 495′ climb.

FKT as of August 4:

  1. Andrew Cole (2022):  8:33 on August 10, 2020.

  2. Conner Hsu (2020):  10:19 on August 10, 2020.  (#1 Alumni)

  3. Nitin Kukreja (2022):  10:23

  4. Coach Flatow:  13:21 on August 4, 2020.


Start of Horse


Top of Horse

MVXC FKT Challenge #3:  Horse + Garrods.

Course Rules for FKT#3:  Start at the <–Coyote Ridge Trail sign (bottom of the hill; photo above).  You finish when you touch the sign or the gate at Garrods’ Farm (see photos below).  1.95 miles with a 620′ climb.

FKT as of August 4:

  1.  Open, none submitted.


Just before dawn on the way from the water tank to the Gates.  Payoff for waking up and getting out the door early!


End of the run to Garrods’ Gates

MVXC FKT Challenge #4:  Up and Over to Garrods.

Course Rules for FKT#4:

You must start with a foot on the RR tracks.  You finish when you touch the sign/the gate at Garrods’ Farm (see photo above).  2.91 miles with a 690′ climb.

FKT as of August 4:

  1. Coach Flatow:  33:41 on August 6, 2020.

