Monta Vista XC and Bitter + Sweet had a very successful fund-raising event last Saturday!

More than 30 parents attended our coffee get-together after the optional Saturday team run.  We all had a lot of fun chatting, drinking great coffee and enjoying the treats supplied by Bitter + Sweet.  Hardly everyone had ever found this new Cupertino coffee shop, and many of us are planning to change our coffee consumption habits to include Janice Chua’s new hot spot!

After the event, Bitter + Sweet has donated $150 to the Monta Vista cross-country team!  Thanks, Janice–we will see you again soon!

The original post on the event is below:

You are invited to what may be the easiest, most enjoyable, and TASTIEST fundraiser event ever!

Janice Chua, a Cupertino entrepreneur, has recently opened a specialty coffee shop and dessert bar, Bitter + Sweet.  I stopped by the shop recently, and her coffee and treats are fantastic!  Check out a recent newspaper write up at:

Being a supportive part of the Cupertino community is important to Janice. Janice and I got to talking, and she proposed we have a fund-raising event for the Monta Vista Cross Country team.  After a little brainstorming, what we would like to propose to the parents of Monta Vista runners is that we have a Saturday morning coffee get together!

Here is the plan…

Date:  Saturday, October 8.

Time:  8am until noon.

Where:  Bitter + Sweet, 20560 Town Center Lane, just off De Anza Blvd. and near Stevens Creek.

What:  Show up whenever between 8 and noon!  Come and get a cup of coffee and a treat, tell the shop (you will probably meet Janice) that you are supporting Monta Vista XC, and sit and chat with other Monta Vista running families.  The cross country team will be having an optional practice that day, and we will run over to Bitter + Sweet and meet you after practice (probably towards the end of the morning)!  We can all chat, enjoy a great cup of coffee, and have a great start to our day–while supporting MV XC!

And for Monta Vista Cross Country:  Janice has generously offered to make a donation to Monta Vista cross-country!  The donation will be 50% of all the coffee we purchase on Saturday, and 20% of all the bakery and retail purchases.  In addition, if you fall in love with Bitter + Sweet — and I think you just might! — then you can purchase gift certificates to give to friends or even for yourself (you can purchase the coupons for your next few visits to Bitter + Sweet!).  Depending on the coupon purchased, Janice will donate 20-50% of the purchase price to Monta Vista Cross Country.  So your future caffeine cravings can also help support Monta Vista XC!

And if you can’t make it to Bitter + Sweet on Saturday the 8th, you can still support this event.  Between now and October 8, go try out Bitter + Sweet, and bring a friend or two!  Let the barista know that you are supporting MV Cross Country.  Enjoy a cup of coffee and a treat, and if you like the black medicine they brew for you, please buy a gift certificate too.  Ask the shop to email a receipt to you; forward that email to Coach Flatow, we collect the receipts and on October 8 we will get credit for your advance purchases, too.

I think this is the coolest fundraiser ever!  First of all, I think that having all of us get together for coffee on a Saturday morning sounds like a fun idea no matter what.   Plus, I love supporting great, local businesses, and I’d like to introduce all Cupertino coffee lovers to Bitter + Sweet in any case (it’s a really cool spot).  And if we get together, have fun chatting and getting our Saturday morning started, have some great coffee, and support Monta Vista Cross Country at the same time…how great is that?

If this works out, we will make MV Coffee Morning a seasonal event!

Thanks, Janice, for all the great support!

Please mark your calendars for Saturday morning, October 8, to try a new coffee spot and support Monta Vista Cross Country!