MVXC ran a split squad this week with half of our team running at the Baylands Invitational…while we didn’t have the full team at Baylands, the athletes that were there made a great effort to show well!

Baylands is a true 5km cross country course, so it is a great measuring stick for runners comparing times–one of the things runners compare are 5km times (“what can you do in a 5k?”).  Monta Vista had one boy under 20 minutes–Dan Zhukov, our transfer from back East–and we also had some PRs, lead by Conner Sullivan’s nice 48 second PR.   The girls were lead by Isabelle Ju’s fine 21:44, good for 50th out of 328 finishers on the day.

Good job, everyone!

Photos are at our Picasa site.

Our results are at XCStats and complete results are at Lynbrook.