I am constantly reminded of how a workout can give me joy–real happiness.
Saturday’s workout was one of those.
The day did not start out like it would be special. Coach Johnson was not able to join us, and we were planning to run repeats out at Stevens Canyon, so I was up early working on the logistics of getting the iPads, cones, water and clipboard out to the park while running with the team. Hearing an owl hooting in the dark while I was dropping everything off was a cool start to the day.
When we got started, the first couple reps felt like a lot of work to me. Yet as the workout continued and I got warm I could feel my body working better and better. I dropped out a couple reps to check on the team (really, I could have kept going! 🙂 ) and you all looked so good! Watching you, I was inspired and for my last rep I jumped back in with the varsity girls. I think they went a little easy on me that last interval but nonetheless it was my fastest rep. Joy! I ended up getting seven, most of you got more, but I felt really fulfilled and happy–both for me and for all of you who ran so great that morning.
Paul Maurer has a great quote for mornings like this: Being a runner is about getting out the door and running, when the rest of the world is only dreaming about having the passion that you have each and every day. I think about this a lot after one of our Saturday morning workouts. By 10am or so, and already you have run nine or ten miles, had a nice breakfast with your friends, and are getting out of the shower, you have the whole day in front of you–and many of your friends are not even out of bed. It feels great, doesn’t it? It’s always satisfying. And sometimes the feeling of running fast with your friends and feeling your body doing what it was meant to do is more than just the satisfying feeling of putting miles in the bank. Sometimes the feeling is complete joy.