3200m TT: MVXC Pandemic Challenge #1 (or 2? it’s hard to keep track!)
Coach Flatow on
Oct 18, 2020 •
6:06 pm •
99 viewsCompeting during a pandemic, combined with historic levels of forest fires, creates challenges for cross country competitions. Last year, we would show up for an invitational race, run, cheer, get our results, congratulate our teammates and competitors, say thanks to coaches, officials and parents, then go home and take a shower and eat a sandwich (maybe the other way around, but you get the idea). This year, things are a bit more complicated.
The first multi-school leg of the Monta Vista Pandemic Challenge Series was a 3200m time trial. That would seem to be simple, but not so much! Lynbrook decided to compete, but didn’t tell us, and also thought it was a two mile instead of a 32. Los Gatos was all on board, but couldn’t use their track on Saturday, and then the day they picked had an AQI over 200. Monta Vista had it’s own issues; our original date also had dark red AQI so we delayed our own run.
Nonetheless…over a period of what seemed like a month, the three rival schools we able to get in times and compare marks. Monta Vista’s own Sylvana Northrop and Andrew Richardson were the top individuals, with 11:39 and 10:34 marks–very credible races in these uncertain times. Sixteen Monta Vista runners–including our two hoopsters–toed the line, with a total of 30 girls and 38 boys from the three schools running.
Even Hank Lawson, our favorite timer, got in the act–he got out his timing equipment for the first time since March and was able to provide FAT marks to all the Monta Vista runners…that is pretty special right now. Thank you, Mr. Lawson!
Simply getting to the start and toeing the line is a sign of bravery and confidence in these times. Even more importantly, we hope that the strength and determination these 68 athletes from three schools brought to the starting line translates to other positive actions–everything from doing well in school during a difficult time, to being better friends and teammates, to treating our fellow travelers well, and for each of us to do a little bit and do our part as together we repair and perfect this imperfect world.
Well done, everyone! Complete results of the first Monta Vista Pandemic Challenge are posted here.