2018 Track and Field Awards Banquet
kirk on
May 20, 2018 •
6:14 pm •
93 viewsOn Thursday May 17, the Monta Vista track and field family got together to celebrate another fine season! While we still have the sectional and state meets in front of us, this was a wonderful opportunity to get together and reflect on the past few months.
There are lots of wonderful photographs from Mr. Ma to look at and download.
The complete list of team awards is below.
Thank you so much to Mrs. Imamura (aka Jason and Kyle Tsujimoto’s mom), also our team parent this season, and all the other parents who helped make the banquet a huge success!
2018 Monta Vista Track & Field Awards
Most Outstanding Athlete
Evelyn How
Most Outstanding Athlete
Eliot Lubomirsky
Most Inspirational
Reema Apte
Most Inspirational
Jason Tsujimoto
Most Valuable Jumper
Sarang Deshpande
Most Valuable Jumper
Reema Apte
Rookie Jumper of the Year
Brandon Xu
Most Improved Jumper
Alya Cherfaoui
Most Valuable Distance Runner
Jeffrey Xu
Most Valuable Distance Runner
Triya Roy
Coach’s Award
Akshara Majjiga
Distance Rookie of the Year
Andrew Richardson
Grit Award
Hardest Working Distance Runner
Sanjana Borle
Most Valuable Sprinter
Bianca Young
Grit Award
Hardest Working Sprinter
Ananya Rajagopal
Rookie Sprinter of the Year
Henry Lassa
Rookie Sprinter of the Year
Brooke Young
Most Valuable Hurdler
and Golden Heart
Sabrina Hung
Most Valuable Hurdler
Richard Dowd
Rookie Hurdler of the Year
Zoe Wang
Iron Hurdler
Hardest Working Hurdler Award
Sean Chen
Most Valuable Thrower
Martin Xiao
Most Improved Thrower
Muthuaravind Subramanian
Throwing Team
Grunt Award
Henry Hodgkins