League Dual Meet @ Wilcox Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Transportation You are responsible for getting yourself to Wilcox High School! Get out of class and on your way there, with your uniform – don’t waste time! Location & Start Adrian Wilcox High School, 3250 Monroe St, Santa Clara, CA 95051 4pm—scheduled meet start You

MV Character Lab: Optimism, Pessimism and Agency
Here are the charts from the MV Character Lab session on March 3, 2025. If I were going to summarize the conclusions of this session, I’d say: When you are feeling stuck, it is OK to give yourself a couple of softballs. And coaches and teachers, when you see your kids a little stuck, toss

RustBuster ’25 Recap
The Rust is Busted! See lots of great photos here! The Monta Vista Track & Field team kicked off the 2025 competition season by hosting the 9th annual RustBuster Invitational. 16 schools from around the area traveled to Cupertino on what turned out to be an uncommonly beautiful first Saturday of March – not a

RustBuster ’25 Meet Sheet
The RustBuster 2025 Meet Sheet is available! You can find it below or on the schedule page. This is going to be a great meet! Make sure you start getting the best sleep you can tonight and eat great, balanced dinners. Fuel and rest are what allow us to perform at our best. Remember that

MV Character Lab, First Spring Session: Optimism, Pessimism, and Agency
Our first Monta Vista Character Lab of the Spring season will be on Monday, March 3, at lunchtime in Mr. Bonacorsi’s classroom–D101. Character Lab is taught by Coach Flatow and is based on material he learned while earning his Masters Degree in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) from the University of Pennyslvania last year. Fall classes

MVTF Distance: Break Week Workouts
Coach Flatow is going to be gone for Winter Break* but that does not mean we will lose focus! Consistent training, including break week, is key to our improvement and success as individuals and as a group. We have a set of planned workouts below; please try to join the complete team for practices when

400 Shootout Kicks Off The Monta Vista Track & Field Season
Monta Vista Track & Field launched its 2025 season with the 11th annual 400 Shootout, a unique tradition where every athlete runs a 400m race. Beyond identifying 4x400m relay candidates, the event serves bigger purposes: it introduces competition (that first sniff of a starter’s pistol!), gets times on the board for Athletic.net, and gives the
400 ShootOut 2025: Pre-Event Information
It is only hours to the first gun of the MVTF season–yes, it’s time for the Monta Vista 400 ShootOut! Here is the scoop…please read this and if you have any questions, see Coach Smith or Coach Flatow on Tuesday. Pre-Event Schedule and Bibs As soon as school ends, head out to the track. We

Running in the Rain
Peter Snell, one of New Zealand’s legendary runners, used to say he loved training in bad weather because he figured his competition was skipping their runs—so he was gaining. I think he was on to something. When I was a competitive runner, I hated writing a zero in my logbook. It gnawed at me. If
The Micro-Goals on the Journey to our Big Goals
Hey there, MVTF! We are preparing for this season with fire in our eyes and goals in our hearts! We all have lots of goals to keep us motivated as athletes and as students. You might have long-term goals like shaving precious seconds off your 1600m time and breaking five or six, nailing your
Track and Field 2025 Parent Letter
Dear Monta Vista Track Family, Welcome to the 2025 track and field season! I’m Coach David Sciplin, and I’m thrilled to embark on another exciting year with all of you. Reflecting on last season, we celebrated numerous personal records, set two new school records, had a good number of athletes qualify for SCVAL and CCS,
Track 2025! Distance Group Pre-Season Workouts
Hello, Distance Team! In just four weeks, we’ll kick off the 2025 track season together on our first official day of practice. Spoiler alert: we’re starting with a real workout at CV pace on day one! Don’t worry, it’s designed to ease us into the season—not overwhelm you. That said, we want to be prepared

Some XC Season Wrap: Banquet, Turkey Trot, Winter Running, and More!
I am far behind on MVXC news updates…I apologize! Here are some quick notes to get us caught up… SCVALs: Yes, this happened almost a month ago, but let’s not forget to honor our three all-league runners! Alongside your 2024 Varsity Girls’ De Anza League Champion, Anika Bhandarkar, both Miranda Hsu and Tanay Parish earned
MVXC24 Uniform Return
While we still have CCS and State in front of us, it is time to get our uniforms returned–I know it is sad for me too! Here is what we will do… If you plan to run track in the Spring, you can keep your uniform! Simply fill out the attached form, sign it, and
CCS Championship Information
Saturday, November 16 will see the best teams throughout the Central Coast Section compete–and your Monta Vista Cross Country team is part of this event! Here is all the information… Location: Crystal Springs Cross Country Course, 2567 Hallmark Drive, Belmont California. PLEASE when you arrive, do not double park, continue driving until you can pull
Monta Vista Character Lab 6/Milgram
Hello all! Thank you again for coming to Monta Vista Character Lab…here is a copy of the slide deck. I am so very grateful for your support of this project! Coach Flatow

MV CharacterLab: Capitalization October 28, 2024
Thank you to everyone who joined today’s Monta Vista CharacterLab talk on Capitalization! I hope we can all be more deliberate and thoughtful as we share good news with our friends. Here are copies of the slide deck I presented today, the handout, and the prompts for the Capitalization role-playing game–the News prompts and the

Big Week for MVXC!
The week of October 21 was huge for MVXC! A quick review (very quick…I’m also prepping for Monta Vista CharacterLab tomorrow October 28, at 1:25 pm in Mr. Bonacorsi’s classroom (D101). Baylands 2 Let’s open with the headline: 23 personal records set by 35 runners! Whaaaaaat a day. This result says so much about your
Baylands 2!
MVXC is heading back to Baylands on Tuesday, October 22. There are a few small changes to the schedule and race assignments so please read the meet sheet. This is a repeat visit to a cross-country course in the same season! This is a great chance to see how we improved over the last month.
CharacterLab: Gratitude Session Slides
I am grateful for everyone who came to our CharacterLab session on Gratitude today! I hope that you all will develop some new gratitude habits–I believe you will have happier, more thriving, lives. Here are the slides I used today…and electronic copies of the handouts for the Gratitude Letter, Gratitude Journal and Three Good Things

Dawn Patrol 2024!
Some experiences are simply better when shared. Think of the difference between watching a sunrise alone and sharing that awe with friends. Or the contrast between watching your favorite running idol on TV and feeling the electric energy of being in a stadium with 50,000 fans as she races to the finish. Humans are

Big Hills to Climb: Artichoke Invitational and Crystal Preview
Two Races Deserve Write-Ups! Artichoke Invitational On October 5, 2024, MVXC returned to Half Moon Bay for the Artichoke Invitational, held at the site of some of Coach Flatow’s high school glory days. This meet is always a blast, with Coach Paul Farnsworth of HMB working to provide a race that feels more like a

Making the best of it in hot weather! Plus, Artichoke Preview
With a streak of days in the high 90s (my car, clearly an alarmist, told it was 103 when I pulled into the student parking lot on Tuesday), MVXC has been making the best of a tough situation. On Monday, the team headed out to run our “track” workout on the tip of Matador’s Point,

MV Character Lab 3 / Thinking Traps
Thank you to everyone who came to the Monta Vista Character Lab talk on Thinking Traps today! I appreciate all the support. BTW the ‘guests’ did not sign in but I hope they come back! See you again on Tuesday, October 15. The slides and the handout are attached to this post as downloads.

MVXC Catch Up: September 28, 2024
Hellllloooooo, MVXC…I had a bunch of things to drop and it seems like too much for a zillion Discord posts, so here we are! Saturday Morning Workout I loved this run! Matador Miles are the best, and taking a cue from Hopkins, we made these cutdown miles (trying to make each rep a bit faster

The first Baylands race of the season introduced Monta Vista cross-country to a full-distance 5km race and the Santa Clara Valley Athletic League (SCVAL) competition. But why does it always have to be so hot? Once again, we faced 90-degree temperatures in 2024—though there was a breeze that helped cool things off, even if it

MVXC Competes at Nike De La Salle!
Monta Vista Cross Country boarded the bus in the pre-dawn darkness on Saturday, September 21, 2024, to compete in the Nike De La Salle Invitational. The Nike DLS meet is highly competitive and serves as a great test for any team. Monta Vista athletes were ready to push themselves—each athlete was entered in the three-mile
We have a meet sheet for the first Baylands meet!
We have a meet sheet for the first Baylands meet! A reminder: You are responsible for your own transportation to all weekday meets. In the past, when we’ve tried to organize a bus, it created problems since athletes need to leave school at different times to minimize missed class. This makes scheduling a bus difficult.
Monta Vista Character Lab #2 September 16
Here are the slides from today…I misjudged how long I would spend talking about Journey vs. Destination, so we did not get to Context. I’ll try to work that into a later session! I think understanding why the metaphor of a ‘journey’ is valuable can help us be intentional about how we think about success,

Balancing Mind, Body, and Soul: Lessons from a Runner’s Journey
A Memory That Shaped My Coaching Philosophy I have a clear memory of a pre-dawn run a decade ago through the streets of Los Gatos. As my friends and I jogged in the darkness on a chilly winter morning, barely able to see each other’s faces, a conversation unfolded that would stick with me for
UPDATED Nike-De La Salle Meet Sheet is Posted!
UPDATE There were two errors by your coach in the meet sheet for De La Salle. First, Justin was not listed. Justin is running in the JV Boys 2 race at 10:35 am. Sorry Diego–oops, I mean Justin! Next, the JV Boys 2 race at 10:35 am is actually a three (3!!!) mile race. All

3200 Madness!
Monta Vista High School made history on Friday, September 6th, hosting its first-ever 3200 Madness! run. This event brought together the cross-country teams from Lynbrook Vikings, Santa Clara Bruins, and our Monta Vista Matadors for a unique three-way distance running competition. The day unfolded with seven thrilling heats of 3200-meter races – two for girls

Monta Vista Character Lab
Copies of the slides presented at Monta Vista Character Lab will be posted here as downloadable attachments.

Lagoon Valley Classic Recap
“Every run, every workout, every buildup is a deposit; eventually you get to take a withdrawal, and the race day magic delivers.” ~Josh Cox Over the past three weeks, Monta Vista Cross Country has been hard at work, building strength and growing together as a team. On Saturday, August 31st, we put our training to

Lagoon Valley Meet Sheet! And other upcoming events.
MVXC will open the 2024 season for real at the Lagoon Valley Classic on Satuday, August 31! Here is the meet sheet. And this is a cool video recap of last year’s race to fire you up. It got my heartrate up! Some other items coming up: August 28: MVXC Parent Meeting in the student

Watermelon Run 2024
Monta Vista Cross Country opened its season with the traditional Watermelon Run on August 22, 2024, a 2.6-mile course through Stevens Canyon Park. This is not an easy start to a season—the Watermelon course is true cross country*! The course follows the reservoir out to the keyhole at the turnaround point for the Matador’s Point

Looking Forward, Looking Back…Then Forward Again
Great first week, athletes! I absolutely loved seeing you again, and also meeting so many new faces. In my application to the University of Pennsylvania Masters of Applied Positive Psychology program, in response to the question, “What do you plan to do with the knowledge you gain?” I answered, “If I can help five kids
Schedule Updates for Parents and Students; Parent Meeting Date Set
Here are some updates to the MVXC 24 schedule: The parent meeting will be on Wednesday, August 28, at 6:15 pm in the Student Union/Cafeteria. We hope to see you there! The first pasta night for Lagoon Valley will be on August 30 at Tanay’s home. This is optional, but we hope to see you

Mark Your Calendars for a Very Special Awards Banquet!
Are you ready for a formal banquet? Well, maybe not THAT formal. We have a banquet date…the 2024 Monta Vista Cross Country Awards Banquet will be on Tuesday, November 19, at 6:00 p.m. And here is the kicker…drum roll please…we will be holding the banquet off-campus, at the the Cupertino Quinlan Center. Not the school

Herodotus was writing about Sifan Hassan
“Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal, while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than ever before.” ~Herodotus, The Histories Those old Greeks knew a thing or two. The last bit of anything can be the most challenging. You

The Men’s 1500m Final Was Insane
I rewatched the Olympic men’s 1500m final. If you have not seen it, watch it. If you have seen it, rewatch it! There were so many times that Cole or Yared could have given up. The pace was brutal the entire race. There was a lot of banging in that last lap, both Cole and
MVXC 2024 Basics
Here are a few key points for the 2024 cross country season! Practice! The first practice will be on Saturday, August 10, at 7:00 a.m. at the Monta Vista track! We will have practice at 7 a.m., to beat the heat*, from Monday, August 12 through Saturday the 17th. When school starts on August 19,

It’s Time For MVXC24! And Week 9 Plans
It’s almost time for MVXC24! To get you in the mood, please watch this video about the Dark Peak Fell Runners and the Edale Skyline Fell Race. Fell running is an extreme version of cross-country racing, and you will also see our sport is a lifetime sport. Look at the age range, from close to

Advice, or Science? And Week 8 Summer Running Suggestions
I was cleaning out a drawer and found this hilarious old book, “How They Train.” What the author did was talk to hundreds of runners, ask them what workouts they ran, and write up the results. This was what coaches and athletes had before there was a lot of scientific information about running available. All
Little Things can make a Big Difference
A year ago, at one of the farmers’ markets I regularly use in Oregon, one of the farmers had a weird, cone-shaped cabbage. DJ, the farmer, told me that it was an old Italian variety he was trying. Although few people were buying it, I bought two. I went home and grilled them, created a
Happiness is a Group Phenomenon
One of the papers we read last year in my University of Pennsylvania program studied how being part of a strong friend group makes people happier. This psychological study, originally a cardiac health project, followed a social network of 12,067 individuals for over 30 years. Participants provided information about their relatives, close friends, home addresses,
Athletic Clearance Status (August 9 Update)
Don’t miss the Watermelon Run! Everyone needs to be cleared before our first practice on August 10 in order to participate! All the information on how to get your athletic clearance is posted on the Matador Athletics site, linked here. Please schedule your physical, set aside time to take the concussion baseline test, and

I Want You To Fail
Wait, what? Yes, I want you to fail. Or more accurately, I want you to try something where you will probably fail. In Angela Duckworth’s GritLab class at the University of Pennsylvania, students are assigned to try something that they are likely to fail. I think this is a fantastic assignment. We need to experience
Jollyman Park Run Options
Check out the map/diagram we created today, which shows different Jollyman Park run options! We took the Stelling Loop with a stop for drills (boring!) and created mix-and-match routes for a maintenance day from 3 miles to 5.7 miles…and of course, you can add on to that and extend even further. Thanks to Anika,
Countdown to LA: Mt. SAC Race + Disneyland for MVXC
Olympics Highlight: Before you read any further, please take a look at this video of the 2024 USA Olympic Trials 1500m women’s final. Nikki Hiltz won the CCS 1600 a decade ago, and now they are heading to the Olympics! Look at their smile after the race! MVXC24 Highlight: So that you can start planning,

Hey Buddy! Let’s keep each other happy. And…Week 4 Runs!
As most of you know, I recently completed a master’s degree in applied positive psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Many people ask, what exactly is positive psychology? Chris Peterson, one of the foundational researchers in positive psychology, said the key insight was that other people matter*–or, to elaborate, “other people matter, and there may

Special Bonus Olympic Trials Coverage! + Week 3 Summer Running Plan
Have you been habit-stacking? The USA Olympic Trials begin today, Friday, June 21! There will be a lot of content on TV and streaming…maybe you want to watch some with your friends. Here are heat sheets for the weekend if you want to follow along. I do! A couple of fun notes from the

Habit Stacking! And Week 2 Of Summer Running
My friend Angela Duckworth and her pod partner Mike Maughan have made my morning toothbrushing routine a little more painful. Let me explain… First, What is a Habit? When you practice playing the piano, your brain strengthens the neural connections related to musical skills. Over time, these connections become stronger and faster, making piano playing

What you need to do before our first day of practice!
There are less than two months until we are practicing together, and that time will go by faster than you think! Here is your guide to how to be ready on Day One. Lean your head back and yell, as loud as you can, “Mom. Mom! MOM! I need an appointment to get my annual

Summer Running: Day One! (plus bonus graduation coverage)
Is 4,000 a big number or a small number? The right answer to whether 4,000 is a big or small number is…it depends. Donuts: That’s a lotta donuts. Pennies: That’s small; 4,000 pennies is only $40. Students: For a high school, 4,000 students is big. Population: A town with a population of 4,000 is pretty
Week 1 of Summer Running 2024
Welcome to the first week of 2024 Monta Vista Cross Country summer running! MVXC summer running will meet on the Monta Vista track at 7am, Monday through Saturday, all summer long. Yes, 7am is early…but we will all beat the heat, and be done by 9am, and have the whole day in front of us.

MVXC 2024 Season Meeting
Hello All! It was great to see all of you at the cross-country pre-season meeting today. Below are copies of the slides used today. The consensus from everyone at the meeting was that 7am should be the start time for summer running again this year. I agree; not only will this help us beat the

Double Graduation and Time to Head Home
Honestly, I thought that at my age, graduation might not seem like a big deal…but I was wrong. My third college graduation (after undergrad at Santa Clara University and an MBA at the University of Chicago–40 years ago!) felt huge. My first University of Pennsylvania graduation ceremony on May 19, 2024, was for our college,

Championship Twinning!
These are my last few days in Baltimore. I’m not-so-patiently waiting on my instructors to finish grading my final papers and grinding through my thesis capstone. And…we have championships to celebrate, coast-to-coast! MVTF! Congratulations, ladies, on your El Camino League Championship! I was watching from afar…it was so cool to see so many great performances
Cross Country 2024 Information Meeting
Yes! Coach Flatow will be back soon! About time, you say. Quit messing around with that UPenn program and come home. Well, it is finally happening! There will be an in-person meeting to discuss the 2024 cross-country season. We plan travel, science, and more Angela Duckworth than ever before. Mark your calendar for lunchtime in Mr.

Penn Relays, MV Alumni Update, and more
Hello, athletes! It is hard to believe, but I’m nearly done with my UPenn program. I have uploaded all my final papers for this semester, there is some final polishing on a group project, and then all that is left is my capstone project. I don’t know if everyone knows, but Angela Duckworth wanted to
Running Cross Country in the Fall?
If you plan on running cross country this Fall, and your uniform fits h you want to, you can hang on to it! Fill out the attached form and bring it to your coach w uniform return is organized, or you can scan and email a copy to Coach Flatow at coachflatow@gmail.com, or do both just to

Top 8 Recap
MVTF Impresses at Top 8 with Two New School Records The CCS Top 8 Classic is an invite that features pretty much the best athletes in CSS. It’s almost like a teaser trailer of what’s the come 4 weeks later. That means that it’s a really tough meet to even get into which is why we

Leagues Meet Sheet
This time it won’t be a PDF, but you can find all meet info here in this post! I will update it between Wednesday and Friday with those that make it to finals. Monta Vista Track & Field Team 2024 ECAL League Championships hosted by Monta Vista Wednesday, March 24th and Friday, March 26th, 2024
Top 8 Meet Sheet
Attached is the meet sheet for the CCS Top 8 Classic Invitational hosted by Los Gatos High School! We are sending 14 athletes – go MV!

Catch Up With Coach Flatow at Hop and Penn
I have a few good stories for my friends back at Monta Vista! A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Workouts With Hop Finally, it feels like Spring may be here to stay. Every time we had some warm days, there would be a stretch of really rough, cold, windy weather. But maybe

Last Chance Invite Recap
Act Like It’s the Last Chance This past weekend, Mountain View High School hosted the CCS Last Chance Invite and Monta Vista Track & Field was represented by 22 athletes. It was another cold day, but we still had great performances that will carry us into the championship season with the right mindset. Overall, these

Senior Night Recap
MV Almost Pulls of Quad-Triple Crown This week, Monta Vista faced off against Cupertino, Fremont, and MacDonald in a triple dual meet. That means that the meet was scored as multiple different dual meets all at once rather than each team versus all teams – hopefully that makes sense! Here’s how things shook out: all four

Quad Meet Sheet
Meet sheet for Thursdays Quad Dual meet is posted! Find it below or on the schedule page.

School Records Eclipsed!
Dong Leads Boys at De Anza, Laruelle Shines at Arcadia This past weekend, we sent a crew of athletes down the street to De Anza College for the 9th Annual Cupertino High/De Anza College Invitational. This is typically a great meet with quality competition, this year being no different with De Anza receiving the most

Hopkins Update: Outdoor Season Opener!
For Californians, it is bizarre that the East Coast schools had their first track meet of the outdoor season the same day that Monta Vista was going to Stanford and Quicksilver. Yet that’s what happened…last Saturday March 30, Johns Hopkins went down to the Naval Academy to face D1 competition in the Blue Jays’ first

Santa Clara Dual, Stanford, and Quicksilver Recap
MVTF on a Roll It was a pretty great week for Monta Vista Track & Field last week as we faced off against Santa Clara in dual meet competition and took athletes to the Stanford Invitational as well as the Quicksilver Classic Invitational. At Santa Clara, the Varsity boys got their first dual meet win
Quicksilver Meet Sheet
This is a weird one! Frosh/soph will have a meet first, then they’ll move onto Varsity. That means that they will run all F/S events on the track and in the field and then basically restart the meet, but with Varsity. It’s a rolling schedule with no provided estimates and an astonishing amount of kids running
Santa Clara Meet Sheet!
We face Santa Clara tomorrow, Wednesday, March 27th at Santa Clara High School! The meet starts at 3:30pm and you are all released from school at 1:45pm (go to class first to check out with your teacher). Let’s bring the H.E.A.T.!!

Monta Vista Takes 2nd Overall at Firebird Relays!
Monta Vista Impresses in Sunnyvale (Revised) I know, for the whole weekend we thought we won the meet overall, but the score ended up changing favoring Leigh High School. But Monta Vista came home with a 2nd place overall finish and that’s something to be very proud of! This past Saturday, our combined Monta Vista team

Wilcox Dual Meet Recap
Lots of Fun Leads to 3 Team Wins! If you missed what I said at the team dinner following the meet, it went something like this: “I feel like this was the most fun meet we’ve had so far this season and it’s because we really operated as a team! I don’t even know what

Firebird Invite Meet Sheet
We’ll be taking a number of athletes to Firebird Relays Invitational this Saturday, March 23rd. Below is a link to the current meet sheet – this is not final as Fremont has yet to actually put in the timetable. As soon as I see that timetable, I’ll update the sheet and you’ll be able to

Wilcox Meet Sheet
We’ll be facing Wilcox High School this week on Thursday, March 21st! The meet starts at 4pm and is home at Monta Vista. Please see the attached meet sheet or check it out from the schedule page.

Saratoga Dual and St. Francis Invite Recap
Varsity Girls, both JV Teams Win Against ‘Toga! On Thursday last week, we hosted Saratoga for our second league dual meet of the season after a week’s rest. It was a beautiful day to compete as 3 of our 4 teams came out on top: Varsity Girls, JV Girls, and JV Boys. Our Varsity Boys

St. Francis Invite Meet Sheet
The St. Francis Invite meet sheet is posted! You can find it below or on the schedule page. You’ll find a table with all of the Monta Vista athletes that made it into the meet along with what time their event(s) is taking place. If you’re listed as an alternate, keep in touch with your

Saratoga Meet Sheet
The Saratoga meet sheet is posted! Find it below or on the schedule page. Don’t forget, we’re taking our team pictures beforehand at 2:55pm sharp! We legitimately cannot wait on people so if you’re late you will not be in the picture.

Message From Hopkins: NCAAs
For Californians, the indoor track season seems weird. We don’t do indoors growing up with track. So it probably seems bizarre to the current Monta Vista track athletes that a Johns Hopkins season ended last Saturday, while MVTF has one dual meet plus RustBuster in the books. A quick intro to a collegiate indoor season:

First League Dual Meet at Milpitas
(See pictures taken by Ryan Liu) It was a great day to get League competition started for Monta Vista Track & Field as we faced off against Milpitas in a dual meet at their home track. Overall, our efforts were led by Denny Dong, Katie Lee, Clara Fan, Alice Ross, and Tanay Parikh who all

Milpitas Meet Sheet Posted
The meet sheet for our dual meet with Milpitas this Wednesday, March 6th is posted! You are all scheduled for early release at 1:45pm – please be on time! If you do not have a ride, please talk to your captains to find help with a carpool. The meet begins at 3:30 and everyone should be

28 Top 6 Finishes at RustBuster!
This past Saturday was the 8th annual RustBuster Invitation hosted by us, the Monta Vista Matadors! It was truly a “great day to race” as 17 new meet records were set on the track and in the field – that’s an awesome way to start a track season! The weather held off for most of

RustBuster Meet Sheet Posted
RustBuster is almost here! The meet sheet is posted and you can view/download it below or from the schedule page. I have also attached the entry list – double check that you are in the correct events! Please please make sure you are prepared for the weather! Bring trash bags, ziplock bags, extra clothes (extra

Uniform Handout Tuesday Feb 27th
We are handing out uniforms tomorrow (Tuesday) and they’re new! MV is so fortunate that the school purchased new uniforms for the Track and Cross-Country team this year. In previous years the school and mostly Boosters purchased uniforms, jackets, pants, bags, tents, stationary bikes, etc. Make sure your parents are supporting Boosters so we can

Coach Flatow’s First Meet At Hop Will Be Hard To Top
Coach Flatow’s first meet at Johns Hopkins will be a difficult act to follow; both the men’s and the women’s teams defending their conference indoor championships, with plenty of time up on the podium in all events. I’m not going to go through a recap–you can read the results if you would like–but I do want

Centennial Conference Indoor Championships This Weekend
Hello MV! I wanted to give you all another update on my time with Johns Hopkins Blue Jays track team. This weekend is the Centennial Conference indoor championships, and Hop is so fired up! Our last workout before the conference meet was yesterday, and it was perfect: Sunny, no wind, and the temperature was

400 Shootout & Winter Break
Monta Vista T&F has completed the 3rd week of official practice in the 2024 season and with that, we have also completed the 400 Shootout and are staring down Winter Break. Here are a few notes before we jump into the results from the 400 Shootout. Attendance is mandatory every day. If you are injured,

Day One At Hop
Today was my first day coaching at Johns Hopkins! What I tell you next is going to make you think that this is a perfect place for Coach Flatow…warm up started at 6:30 am, the first rep of the workout was launched at 7:15 am, heading off for warm-down before 8 am–all this in 37-degree weather.

MVTF ’24 Week 1 in the Books
TLDR: Embrace the change that this season will bring and have a positive attitude Be at practice every day Get new shoes if you haven’t already! Meet schedule is up What beautiful start to the week and to the 2023 track season with temperatures topping 70 degrees on Monday and Tuesday, featuring athletes in t-shirts

An Amazing Olympic Trials Story
Today five athletes earned places on the US Olympic Marathon team. There were many great stories on race day, and I’d like to highlight one. You might think I’m going to talk about the women’s race winner Fiona O’Keefe, who obliterated the Trials record, a local woman that we raced against when she was a

A Cheering Guide to the 2024 USA Olympic Team Marathon Trials
It’s been a while since I have posted on mvrunning…UPenn has kept me busy. But I can’t pass up the Olympics! This Saturday at 7 am Pacific time, 10 am Eastern, is the start of the USA Olympic team marathon trials in Orlando, Florida. The top three women finishers and the top two or three

MVXC Wraps the 2023 Season at CCS Championships
In the world of California cross-country, excitement reached a fever pitch as the Central Coast Section Championship meet unfolded. For enthusiasts like us, it’s the pinnacle of the season – a race that’s both exhilarating and bittersweet, as it signals the season’s end. But let’s not dwell on farewells just yet, because when it comes

Uniform Return Monday, November 13
We are going to try to get our uniforms returned on Monday, November 13! Here is the plan… If you are planning to join the track team, all you need to do is fill out the attached form and either (a) bring the form to Coach Flatow on Monday 11/13, at practice at 4:10pm, or

SCVAL is a treat (not a trick!)
Monta Vista headed back up the freeway to our favorite course, Crystal Springs, and the SCVAL championships on Halloween, 2023. After two years of rain, wind, and mud, SCVAL was held in near-perfect conditions. Under sunny skies, the JV boys lead off the day. MVXC has a young group of boys; no other team in the

So You Think You Can Drill?
The gods of drilling were unhappy. What they saw when they looked down from Mt. Form displeased them. So Corfu themselves, together with the lesser gods Acorn and Grunt, came down to demand tribute. MVXC arranged a day of games to appease Corfu. The High Priest Flatow organized the drilling thusly: Using a great randomizer,

MVXC Lights Fire at the Mariner Invitational!
MVXC competed at the Mariner XC Invitational in Hayward, California for the first time and gave the meet a 5-star rating. The meet was well-run, had lots of good energy and the combination led to some fantastic individual performances! I’m not going to bury the lede. The highlight of the meet from this coach’s view is
Meet Sheets for Lynbrook and De Anza League Championships!
The last races of the 2023 cross-country season are coming in to view over the horizon! The last two meets for the full MVXC team will be the FUHSD Championships and the SCVAL Championships on Thursday, October 26, and Tuesday, October 31. Meet sheets for Lynbrook/FUHSD and SCVAL are attached. The SCVAL meet sheet is now updated

MVXC Regular Season Wraps Up at Baylands; On To The Post-Season!
Baylands on October 18 was the site of the last SCVAL meet of the 2023 season, and Monta Vista blasted through with PRs galore to prep for the championship meets to come! The varsity boys started the meet off, and Tanay Parikh’s 10th place led the squad to a 9th-place team finish. The five scoring

Dawn Patrol!
The Dawn Patrol reported to duty at 6:30 am on Saturday on the Monta Vista track! Starting in the dark, 14 of us headed to the top of Fire Trail and saw the sunrise over the valley. After that warm-up, in the red of the morning, we banged out mile repeats on Candy Crush–one of
Week of October 16: Two Races!
Monta Vista has two races this week! On Wednesday, October 18, the final regular season SCVAL meet will be at Baylands. Please note we are racing on Wednesday this time. The race will be on the same course as a month ago and the race times will be the same. Remember you need to arrange

Running Is Life
It is easy to be nervous when we start high school as freshmen. It helps to find a community, a family we can join. For many of us, we found the cross country team (and we also were able to be competitive, and fit, and chase goals with our friends). It will be natural to be

Team Photos are Posted!
Hello Monta Vista Cross Country Family! The 2023 MVXC photos are available! To download all of the photos, please paste: https://www.smugmug.com/client/downloads/GvgFFst into your browser and follow the instructions to download a zip file of all the photos. We own these photos! Unlike most teams, MVXC purchases the rights to all the i from Jeremy Hohengarten, our
Crystal Preview and Clovis Meet Sheets are Posted!
The Crystal and Clovis meet sheets are now posted! Please take a look…remember, you are responsible for arranging your own transportation to Crystal Springs. It will be a great week of racing!

MVXC Travels to De La Salle
(I want to apologize in advance–is going to be a quick post. I have homework to do! My “Perspectives in Well-Being” professor is killing me. Ironic, isn’t it?) De La Salle is a good, competitive invitational. The course has been around for a long time, so the times and the records have meaning. All the
Adding the Baylands Meet Sheet (September 19)
On Tuesday, September 19, Monta Vista will compete in the first league meet of the 2023 cross-country season at Baylands Regional Park. This is a full 5km race on the edge of the San Francisco Bay. For the first time this season, we will see all the other 14 teams in the Santa Clara Valley

Nike De La Salle Meet Sheet Posted!
Greetings from Philadelphia! I’ve been buried the last few days as I get started with the UPenn Masters of Positive Psychology program. Immersion week is really something! Yet, I can’t wait to see all of you athletes…it feels like forever to me. And…we race on Saturday at the Nike De La Salle Invitational! The

MVXC Opens the 2023 Season at the Lagoon Valley XC Classic
As you all know, I love racing! Loved racing myself, love watching, love coaching. And with a good meet, a good team and a good course…well, racing is special. MVXC traveled to Vacaville for our season opener at the Lagoon Valley Classic. We started going to Lagoon Valley a few years ago, when Earlybird was

Watermelon Run 2023 Gets The Season Rolling!
On Thursday, August 24, the Monta Vista cross country team opened the 2023 season with the Watermelon Run! The Watermelon run is a team tradition going back more than two decades. The Watermelon Run follows a challenging course. This is a real cross country test, not a tame run around a track or school grounds. There
Lagoon Valley Meet Sheet is Posted!
Lagoon Valley is just a few days away! LV is going to be our first invitational of the season, just like last year. It’s a really good race! LV has some challenging hills Big Mama and Little Sister. Every good cross country course should have hills! LV is all on the dirt paths we look for in California

One Week In The Log!
MVXC23 has one week of practice in our running logs! We had a couple of dozen athletes on the trails every morning this week. Our first week included some hills, some threshold, some solid miles and a trip to Santa Cruz. We are getting ready and fit for a fantastic season of growth and grit

First Day Of Practice! And Clearance Update
MVXC had a great first day of practice on Monday, August 7! More than 20 athletes and three coaches (Coach Flatow, Coach Sam, and Coach Ashley) were all there at 7am for a get-to-know you run out the RR tracks. Practice will continue to be held at 7am from Monday through Saturday for the next

Clearance Status UPDATE 7am Sunday Aug 6; Practice Plans ; Adventure Run!
Clearance Status UPDATED 7am Sunday August 6 If you think you should be cleared but your name is not on the list below, please contact Mr Bonacorsi at nick_bonacorsi@fuhsd.org to find out what the issue is (Coach Flatow cannot clear you, only Mr. Bonacorsi can do that). Here are people that seem to be working on
MVXC23 Has Two Athletes Officially On The Roster! Plus…an adventure run teaser.
Congratulations and thank you to Sandhya Fasnacht and Miranda Hsu for being the first athletes to complete their athletic clearance! All the procedures for completing athletic clearance are posted! If you have problems, send an email to Mr. Bonacorsi nick_bonacorsi@fuhsd.org. Your coaches cannot clear you, sorry! If you need more motivation to get your clearance
A Gentle Reminder + Week 7 and 8 Running Suggestions
First Official MVXC23 Practice is on August 7! Distance is a function of speed and time…multiply average speed times the time we are moving and the result is the distance we have travelled. Different people have different cars that can move at different speeds, but we can all cover the same distances–maybe we just have to
Reason 428 Why I Like Coaching High School Cross Country
Fighter pilots have to be brave, rugged individuals who do not scare easily. Nevertheless, things are going to happen in a fighter plane that will frighten the pants off of the toughest person. To prepare for that, the schools that train fighter pilots doing bring in psychotherapists to teach anxiety reduction in stressful situations, producing

Let Us All Carpe The Heck Out Of Our July Diems!
MVXC have all of July to run wild, so let’s make the most of this last month before school starts and formal practice begins! As a teenager, we don’t have control over everything in our lives. It’s pretty hard to imagine going to our parents and saying “you know, I was thinking, I want
MVXC23 Begins in Four (4!) Weeks! Weekly run suggestions, season reminders, and more…
Are you running with joy??? In four weeks–4, cuatro, quatre, vier, चार, 四,أربعة–we get together for our first practice as a team to begin the new season! Yikes, time goes fast for this coach…is your summer going by as fast as mine? Time is relative, so this is a serious question 😉 If you have been cruising along

Are Running and Joy Connected?
Are running and joy connected? I think so! In support of this theory I submit some evidence… Look at Coach Sarah on the finishing stretch of a hard 4.9 mile fell race in Grindleford, England…this race had 300m of climbing and two river crossings…yet anyone can see how happy she is! And…look at Triya Roy
Your Future Self Will Thank You
Everyone has a story like this; I’m guessing that you do! Just before finals, a hot band comes to town on a concert tour—and enough friends are going to the concert—and who wants to miss out on an evening of fun? What was the catch? Easy–there is a French final coming up, there was not much time to prepare,
Summer Running Week 3 and 4 Suggestions!
Attached are some suggested runs for MVXC Summer Running, weeks 3 and 4! Check it out. Group runs start at 7am, Monday through Saturday, on the Monta Vista track. Reach out to annoy of the student-athlete contacts for 2023 summer running: Anika Bhandarkar anika.bhandarkar@gmail.com Megan Nieh megannieh15@gmail.com Tanay Parikh parikhtanay123@gmail.com Manasi Prasad mprasad754@student.fuhsd.org Ruhaan Shah

Monta Vista Summer Running is Rolling! And Europe News :)
Monta Vista summer running is now rolling! Check out the group Monday at 7am for the first day of MVXC summer running: That’s a solid group! Let’s keep building our team and our run groups. Consistent running in June and July is the key to an enjoyable, strong cross country season in August, September and October.

Congratulations to All MVXC and MVTF Graduates!
Congratulations to all our graduates, heading off to schools in Texas, Colorado, New York, Washington, Illinois, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and elsewhere–and of course, Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside…! Have a wonderful graduation today. We wish you will now and always! Everyone else…we hope to see you Monday morning for a nice start to the
First Two Weeks Of Summer Running
The way we think about fun and satisfaction will have a big impact on how we live our lives. The motivation for seeking “fun” leads us to doing things that feel good in the moment. We are looking for immediate gratification. On the other hand, when we are motivated to look for progress, maybe the work is
Preliminary 2023 Cross Country Schedule
Hello, XC! Attached is a preliminary XC schedule for the 2023 season. There is still more to come, but we can add these to our calendars. The first week of school, MVXC will run the historic Watermelon Run…if that does not motivate you to get your summer running in gear, what will motivate you?

MVTF Banquet! And CCS!
The MVTF 2023 season banquet was, as always, a wonderful event. This year we barely squeezed into the student union on a warm, May evening. Congratulations to all the award and medal winners! There is a copy of the presentation with all the honorees attached. Thank you to Rajvi Shah and all the parents
2023 Cross Country Season Pre-Meeting
Let’s start thinking about Monta Vista Cross Country 2023! Let’s meet: Thursday, May 18, 2023 Lunchtime, 1:30pm Mr. Bonacorsi’s Office, D101 See you there!

Central Coast Section Trials: Hottttt
A week after a wet and cold RustBuster-like meet at the SCVAL Championships, Monta Vista went down for a sizzling hot CCS Championship trials at Gilroy High School on Saturday, May 13. At 10am, freshman Lelani Laruelle turned up the heat with a personal record 16′-4.25″; Lelani was only a half inch away from an

A quick note… On a Saturday morning with the weather feeling more like the RustBuster than a championship season outdoor track meet, Monta Vista athletes came to compete for CCS berths. The SCVAL Championship meet was held at Los Gatos High School on May 6, on a cold and drizzly day. The throwers were on site

Free Entry To SCVAL; SCVCL Schedule; Alumni Update
Please don’t forget to RSVP for our Banquet! Athletes (and Parents)… If you would like to watch the SCVAL meet (at Los Gatos, this Saturday May 6) for free (FREE!), we need your name by Thursday so we can put you on the free entry list. All you need to do is help move hurdles–and
Uniform Return
Don’t Forget To RSVP For The Awards Banquet On May 16! Sadly, it’s that time of the season again…time to return our uniforms. Uniform return will be on Wednesday, May 10, from 3:25-4:15 (or as long a people are in line) at Mr. Bonacorsi’s office, D101. Please return your complete uniform, clean. If you have lost

Monta Vista Track and Field Takes Second At League Championships!
Please RSVP for the season banquet on May 16! The Monta Vista track and field teams scored an overall second place at the El Camino League Championships, held from April 26 to 28 at Wilcox High School. Field event athletes lead the scoring for Monta Vista. Nine–9!!!–league championships were claimed by Monta Vista athletes,
SCVAL Meet Program–List of Monta Vista Athletes and Schedule
Please click here and RSVP for the Awards Banquet Now! Update: Here is a Meet Program with MV Entries Highlighted Here is the list of Monta Vista’s qualifiers for the SCVAL Championships! MVTF has 35 individual qualifiers and alternates, including three athletes in the boys’ 400m, the girls’ shot, the girls discus! Outstanding, everyone! The
El Camino Championship Meet Sheet!
Attached is the meet sheet for the El Camino League Championship on April 26th and 28th at Wilcox High School. Included in the meet sheet are estimated times for the events and also the Monta Vista entries. Complete heat sheets are available on Mr. Lawson’s site. Later in the week, he will provide an updated time
Banquet Date and League Finals Location–Updates/Clarifications!
Two errors/clarifications: The Monta Vista track and field team season banquet will be on Tuesday, May 16 (the date was changed and I’ve confused myself a couple of times but it will be on Tuesday!) The location of the El Camino League trials and finals will be at Wilcox High School on April 26 and

Break Week Workout Schedule
Team workouts will be held from Monday, April 17 to Friday, April 21 at 4pm on the track. Coach Irina will be at the track on Wednesday and Friday to work with you. Distance workouts are as follows: Monday: Ladder Down. After a warm up, open with a 1600. 400m jog recovery. 1200m; 400m jog

Act Like It’s Your Last Chance! (even if it is not)
The CCS Last Chance Invitational, held at Mountain View High School on April 15, 2023, is the last chance to put up a mark before leagues…but it’s not really a last chance. We all have many more chances! But sometimes if we ACT like it’s our last chance, we can put up something special! Clara Fan

MVTF Wraps Up SCVAL Regular Season With Record Shattering Day At Fremont!
The Monta Vista track and field teams wrapped up the 2023 SCVAL dual meet season with a satisfying and successful day at Fremont high school on Tuesday, April 11, 2023! In a double-dual competition with Fremont and Cupertino, which saw MacDonald high school also competing against Fremont, half of the El Camino division teams were

Monta Vista Track Takes 2nd Place of 42 teams in the De Anza Invitational!
The Monta Vista girls and boys varsity track teams combined to take second place out of 42 teams in the De Anza Track and Field Invitational on April 8, 2023! The De Anza meet is a varsity event–other than a couple of relay races, everyone must compete as a varsity athlete in varsity divisions. Monta

Varsity Boys, JV Girls earn team wins at Saratoga!
The Monta Vista varsity boys defeated the Saratoga Falcons by a score of 71-54 on Thursday April 6; the junior varsity girls also notched a 61-50 victory. The varsity girls lost a narrow contest, 66-61, that could have been turned around by one or two races, and the frosh-soph boys went down 66-52 as the

Meet Sheet for Fremont/’Tino Triangle Meet! Tuesday, April 11, 2023
The meet sheet for the triangle meet with Fremont and ‘Tino is posted! This is our last league meet of the season so let’s be dialed in! Invite your friends and parents. We will want to be at the top of our game for this meet!
De Anza Invitational Entries

Saratoga Meet Sheet!
The meet sheet for Saratoga is available! I always liked the Saratoga track…it has a different vibe from many of the facilities in the valley. I think you will like competing there, also. This is our 4th (and also penultimate) dual meet of 2023. We should be finding our groove now, and it’s time
Wilcox Meet Sheet!
The Wilcox meet sheet is posted! See you at the meet on Thursday, March 30!

Look What We Did!
We have four meets to cover and practice starts in less than four hours! Let’s see what I can do… (Don’t forget to download team photos.) Santa Clara at Monta Vista Following senior recognition, the Monta Vista varsity boys notched their first win of the dual meet season with a tight 65-61 victory over visiting

Team Photos!
Our very own photographer, the Still Musician himself, Jeremy Hohengarten has posted photos from the team photo day. Jeremy was the wedding photographer for Coach Johnson and Mr. Hoffman, and he has been photographing Monta Vista track and cross teams ever since. You can browse the gallery, or you can CLICK HERE to trigger a
Practice on Tuesday, March 21 Will Be In The Field House
Practice will start at the regular time in the field house today…out of the weather!

Sunshine Greets MVTF at St. Francis Invitational!
Finally, a little taste of Spring track weather! Monta Vista arrived at St. Francis for one of our favorite invitationals and for once, we did not have to worry about rain. Coach Flatow was on the track pre-dawn, with Nerea Northrop who was warming up for the first event of the day–the varsity girls 3000 went off
There Will Be Normal Practice on Wednesday, March 15!
Although school was closed today, the power is back on and we have permission to practice. See you at 3:25pm!
St. Francis Invitational Meet Sheet!
Attached is the Meet Sheet for the St. Francis Invitational! Most everything you need is there…a few reminders for those accepted to the meet: Don’t be late! If an athlete does not check in on time (and they may run ahead), they will replace you with an alternate. Head to the clerk’s tent early (usually, they
No Practice Tuesday March 14
Power is out at school and the campus is closed so, no practice as a team today. Remember our talk last Thursday about determination and doing what you can do in this type of situation? Triya ran 9 miles in her hotel room when she had to isolate during the lockdown. Those 9 crummy miles

I Miss Running
I miss my running so much. I’m still adjusting to being a runner who can’t run, and this adjustment is hard (and may never end). Part of what I miss is my own running as an outlet for my personal goals and competitiveness; this is the part of me that loved earning a spot in

MVTF Roars Into The 2023 Season: Dual Meet vs. Mt. View and RustBuster!
The first week of March was busy and hectic! Monta Vista hosted two meets in the first week of the competitive season. Let’s quickly recap the action! MV v MV Dual meets are fun! And high school is pretty much the last place athletes can experience dual meets…colleges have mostly discontinued duals and have invites

The 400 ShootOut Gets the 2023 Season Rolling
On Thursday, February 16, the smell of smoke from a starter’s pistol wafted over the Monta Vista track for the first time in almost 12 months. And with the sounds of the gun and cheers from the athletes, the 400 Shootout got the 2023 track season rolling for Monta Vista! The Monta Vista 400 Shootout
Mt. View visits Monta Vista for League Opening Dual Competition: Meet Sheet Attached!
On Wednesday, March 1, the Mt. View Spartans will visit Monta Vista for the first track meet of the El Camino League season. When these teams clashed last season, the Mountain View and Monta Vista varsity girls teams were both undefeated. When the track events were concluded, Mt. View was narrowly ahead and it looked

Distance AND SPRINT Workouts for Winter Break 2023
This post has been updated on February 18 to include workouts for sprinters (section A) and distance runners (section B). If you are not going to be able to make the group workouts–the break week workout schedule is here–you can follow these workouts on your own and keep up with the team training plans. MVTF

Winter Break Schedule
We all need to find our own way…but it’s easier when we journey together. Winter break is tough on track athletes, we are just starting to get rolling when our schedule changes. Try to keep your training momentum going; you will be grateful when we have our first meet on March 1 when we host

Busy Weeks Coming Up As MVTF Rolls into 2023!
MVTF is starting week three and is already moving fast! Here is some short attention span writing and updates: Wednesday, February 15 is the 2023 Track and Field parents meeting! Starts at 6:55pm, in the cafeteria/student union. (In person after years of Zoom!) Thursday, February 16 will be the 400 Shootout! Here is what the

And MV 2023 is off and running!
Saturday morning, January 28, a small group of hardy souls got their soles out on the track for a first workout! It was an interesting morning; the fog was so thick that it was impossible to see if anyone was running on the other side of the track (really!). Anika, Ari, Bradley, Karena, Megan, Ruhann
Preliminary Track Schedule…and a pop up workout session
Attached is a schedule for the 2023 Monta Vista track and field season…this is subject to change but should be fairly solid…let’s download this and enter the dates into our personal calendars now! Hmm…let’s see…wait, what, the 400 Shootout is WHEN?!?!??? Already? yikes! Also for you distance running achievers who are always looking for extra

Meet Your Coaches! Updated February 16th with Coach Emma!
Hello, MVTF! In 2023, MVTF has quite a few new coaches. Several young, talented, smart and motivated athletes have come on board to coach you! These new coaches will provide MVTF athletes with an opportunity to learn a lot this season, both about athletics and the college experience. We thought it would be a nice idea to
A January Distance…Challenge? Resolution? Suggestion?
On Monday, January 30, MVTF will meet for our first practice of the 2023 season. That is only four weeks from today! It is easy to forget how fast time can go by, especially when you have finals and holidays and other things that chew up the hours and days. New Years resolutions can be
Winter Running Thoughts and Motivation
As a runner, it’s important to take time off from intense training and racing during the off-season. This period of less intense training is essential for your physical and mental well-being, and off season can also be a great opportunity to focus on longer term running and fitness goals. But it’s not always easy to stay motivated
Clearance for Track and Field 2023: Updated January 26
Updated January 26: Below is a file of everyone who has started the clearance process on Home Campus for track and field. At the far right column you will see a Yes or No next to your name. If you have a ‘yes’, you don’t have to do anything more, you are good to go, see you on Monday

NCAA XC Championships!
I’ve been meaning to write a bit about my trip to the NCAAs last November, and I’m finally going to take a minute to do this…at least in bullets! If you ever get a chance to watch the NCAA D3 championships, don’t think, just GO! It is so fun to be running back and forth
Distance Runners: Suggestions for Winter Training Week of Dec 11 and 18
Mostly, off-season running should be fun! The goal is to build your base of strength and endurance with lots of comfortable running. If all an athlete does is run consistently from the end of cross country season until the start of track season, and they are healthy and happy when we meet for the first

Winter Training–Notes for Finals Week
Check this page regularly for updates! Finals week: Everyone has a different schedule and requirement during finals week…so please discuss with your coach whether there will be a practice during finals week, or even if you want a practice during this week. Personally, I always liked a little bit of exercise to clear my head
MVTF Pre-Season Meeting Handout…
…the handout for the November 28 meeting is attached to this post…
MVTF Pre-Season Meetings!
Yes, it is already time to start thinking about Track and Field! If we have dreams we are going to chase, we should arrive at the first day of practice with some preparation! So we have meetings planned for Monday, November 28: Track and Field 2023 Information Meeting in the Main Gym (Lunch period/1:25pm): This meeting is for

Central Coast Section Championships!
An annual tradition since 2011! The Monta Vista girls and boys both got on the line to compete in the Central Coast Section Championships on Saturday, November 12, and a cool and breezy Fall day. The girls were up first, and they were part of one of the fastest races ever at Crystal Springs. The
Uniform Return/Keeping for Track
It’s that time of year…the season is winding down. Saaaaaad. So, it is time to return uniforms! You have two…well, three options, but two seem much better than the third: If you are going to run on the track team in 2023, you can download the form below, fill out the form and return it to Coach

Odds and Ends: Senior Run, Burritos, CCS
Short attention span writing… Senior Run: On Wednesday, November 2, MVXC had the annual senior run…the team runs up to the top of Hunter’s Point and the seniors share their accumulated wisdom from their years on the cross-country team. Or, if not wisdom, they share something. Coach gave a strong review to this year’s talks

Make it a Dozen!
A dozen is such a nice number. A dozen donuts. A dozen roses. A dozen trips to the Central Coast Section Cross Country Championships! At the Santa Clara Valley Athletic League championships on November 1, 2022, both the girls’ and the boys’ varsity cross country teams earned starting boxes at CCS–yet let’s start at the beginning.
Senior Run
A reminder to everyone…the MVXC22 senior run will be on Wednesday, November 2, the day after SCVALs. SENIORS….you know what to do! Everyone else…meet at practice as usual at the track at 3:25pm. This event is optional but highly recommended! (Seniors, if you would like some advice on your speech from someone who has
SCVAL Championship Meet Sheet!
It is time for SCVALs! Here is the meet sheet! Remember…you are responsible for your own transportation to Crystal. Plenty of sleep, eat right, hydrate, pack correctly, wear your purple jacket on Tuesday, pack layers…

MVXC Rocks At Lynbrook before SCVALs!
Bridget Gottlieb was a sophomore in 2011, when the Monta Vista girls team started a streak of Fremont Union High School District team championships. Yes, that Bridget Gottlieb. Bridget Aviv Gottlieb, first of her name. The Lady of Crystal. Destroyer of Records. Spirit of the Matadors. Tamer of Mustangs. Possessor of the Two All-Americas.

Dawn Patrol!
“Running is kind like coffee. The first time you drink it you might not like it. But you kind of like the way it makes you feel. After a few times, it starts to taste better and then all of a sudden you’re hooked and it’s the best part of waking up.” ~ Amy Hastings

A Return to Baylands Allows MVXC To Show How Far We Have Run!
I have never taken a journalism class, but I understand one of the fundamentals of a news article is “don’t bury the lead!” So here you go, gentle reader: 70% of the MVXC runners who toed the line at Baylands on October 18 showed improvement! Out of 41 runners on Tuesday, 24 athletes had personal

Bullet Point Review of Week 10
Short attention span reading and writing for MVXC Week 10… Week 10 started with a great workout…repeat Ks that showed athletes how far they travelled this season. Being a great teammate became a theme of the week. Anika nominated Sydney Stevens for racing inspiration at Crystal, Siran Gao earned grit recognition for encouraging Nick to climb
Baylands Meet Sheet Is Posted!
The meet sheet for the next Baylands 5km race on October 18 is now posted! We all ran this race four weeks ago, and we have had many good workouts and lots of miles since then…this should be an opportunity for many personal records! Remember that athletes are responsible for arranging their own transportation to

Wonking Out: Comparing Two Workouts
Coaches will tell athletes, again and again, “if you work hard and consistently, you will improve”. Do high school athletes always listen, believe, remember? Hmm. It is useful to look back and see measurable improvement! On October 11, 2022, MVXC ran a critical velocity workout; 1km repeats on the track at CV pace, with a 200m recovery

Monta Vista XC Races Around Palo Corona–A Brand New XC Course!
No one can tell us when the last new cross country course was created in the Central Coast Section. So when the first invitational was announced for the brand new Palo Corona course in Carmel, California, Monta Vista was the first school to sign up. The new Palo Corona course was rumored to be a

Crystal Springs Is The Best
MVXC traveled to Crystal Springs for the first time in 2022 on Tuesday, October 4. Crystal may be the best cross country course in California, maybe the country. It’s hard to say exactly where Crystal ranks but for sure, it is a treasure. Since the development of the course in 1971, more than 600,000

Week 8 Work Preps MVXC for Crystal and Palo Corona! Crystal and Pac Grove Meet Sheets, Too.
Week Eight of the Monta Vista cross country season–the last week of September–was a challenging, hard week for those that attacked it with vigor. We were looking for three kinds of quality–CV pace, threshold pace, and long steady hills with two long runs. That’s a lot of work! And it takes a lot of drive

For You: Crystal Preview Meet Sheet, Team Photographs and SCVAL Championship T-Shirts!
Three quick hits for every MVXC athlete: The Crystal Preview meet sheet is now posted! Team photographs are available for download! Remember, you don’t have to buy these images. Unlike most teams, coach has a contract with the photographer Jeremy Hohengarten (Jeremy was also the wedding photographer for Coach Jodi Johnson and friend of MVXC, Kate

Week Seven Recap: Baylands, Grit and more!
Monta Vista’s season reached the halfway point between the first practice of the season and toeing the line at the Central Coast Section Championships…let’s review week seven. SCVAL Season Opener at Baylands – September 20, 2022 Several years ago at a somewhat contentious SCVAL coach’s meeting, the season opening meet was moved from a ‘bunny’

Beautiful Morning Running at De La Salle Invitational!
Please get me your releases for our next invitational at Pacific Grove! MVXC22 finally got to enjoy some near-perfect running weather on Saturday, September 17 at the De La Salle invitational! Perfect running weather is slightly uncomfortably cool spectating weather, so when Coach Flatow realized that one more layer of clothing might have been nice for

De La Salle, Baylands #1 Meet Sheets are Posted!
After a week of 100+, 80 degrees sure feels pretty good, doesn’t it? Monday we took our team photo–I’ll send you the link as soon as photographer Jeremy Hohengarten has finished processing the photos and uploads the pictures. I am sure you will look great! This post has a few of my iPhone photos of the

No One Wants To Watch The Movie About Becoming
This morning I was looking through Angela Duckworth’s book Grit trying to find a quote. I couldn’t find the exact quote but it goes something like this: No one wants to watch the movie about your journey of becoming…they just want to show the highlights of what you became. One of Angela’s examples was a story
Can’t Beat the Heat, but we can work around
This week is forecasted to be miserably, historically hot. While we look at the track and watch the heat waves emanate upwards and idly wonder if the track will actually combust, MVXC are also trying to figure out how to make the best of the situation. Every afternoon it is going to be a day by day
Pacific Grove Release
Athletes– At Pacific Grove next month, this is a brand new course, and they are still figuring things out. So one of the things they are asking for is a release. The only place that is asking for that! Oh well, let’s just do it. Please download the following document, print it, sign it and

First Invitational of the Year! Lagoon Valley Classic Report
Monta Vista Cross Country made the journey north to Vacaville on September 3, and got the 2022 XC season rolling on the dusty trails of the Lagoon Valley Classic! Lagoon Valley is hosted by Vacaville High School. The meet director uses a North Coast Section organization, with Varsity running three mile races and other divisions running two
MVXC 2022 Parent Meeting!
There will be a Zoom meeting for MVXC 2022 parents, to get to know the coaches and hear plans for the season, as well as answer any questions. The meeting will be on Wednesday, August 31, at 7pm. The link is below. Thank you and hope to see you there! Kirk Flatow is inviting

I ♥ Matador Miles
Matador Miles are an iconic MVXC workout–repeat miles, on dirt, in Stevens Canyon, not flat, one minute recoveries between miles. Matador Miles are one of my favorite cross country workouts: Lactic threshold pace is so good for us… Breaking up a tempo run is gets that lactic threshold stimulus without the same mental challenge as