The MVXC Banquet is coming this Saturday, March 27! While this banquet is on zoom–sigh–we are trying to make this as fun and memorable as possible. Here is what you need to know…
At 8am on Saturday, March 27, we will have our traditional senior speech run. In addition to the run itself, we will have packages for each athlete to take home for the banquet that night. Don’t miss this run!
At 6pm, we will have ‘dinner’ together…with Truffle Shuffle chefs! We will be learning how to cook French omelets together, and enjoying dinner at the same time. If you did not sign up for the cooking class, you can still log on and listen in. If you DID sign up for the class…check your front porch, you will have a package of goodies arriving soon!
At approximately 7pm, when the cooking class is done, we will start with the speeches…Coach Flatow will begin with a keynote talk, then awards, then the athlete section as the runners recognize their peers and say goodbye to our seniors.
The zoom link for 2 and 3 above are below.
PARENTS…we hope that you join us and be part of the banquet! You have not been able to see your athlete race this season, or at least not as much as usual in this odd year. We would still like you to hear what we have been up to!
MVXC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Meeting Guests of Monta Vista Cross Country
Time: Mar 27, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 747 142 0662
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