Week of September 16
kirk on
Sep 15, 2019 •
4:29 am •
We have a big week coming up, team!
First of all…on Tuesday, we are taking team photos. So please don’t forget to wear your uniform shorts and singlet to practice (don’t worry about your jacket and warm up pants). Jeremy Hohengarten, the Still Musician himself, and the wedding photographer at Coach Johnson’s wedding, is taking our team photos again. (Monta Vista Cross Country does something a little different than most teams. We don’t have a traditional sports photographer come and take some traditional photos and sell some packages to the runners…we have a creative photographer take a lot of interesting photos and we put them up on a web site where you can download them for free and do anything with the photos–put them up on FB, print them out for your grandfather, whatever!).

Friday night is a team pasta party, hosted by Sahil and Nitin’s families–details to follow.

And then on Saturday–our second invite of the year as we head to the Pacific Tiger Invitational, hosted by the University of the Pacific on the Elkhorn Golf Course. MVXC had a great time at this meet last year; Sahil Goel took 7th out of 370 runners in the frosh-soph race, Vivian Lau matched that 7th place in the girls frosh-soph race, with Ananya, Anoushka, and Sylvana picking up hardware too. We liked the course and the meet director so back we go! The meet sheet for Pac Tiger is posted.
that was a nice week of work we just had. Let’s have another great week everyone!