
This week, I have been thinking about things to do that focus my attention on the future.  

In addition to coaching, I’ve been the meet director for the SCVAL Cross Country Championship meet for the past seven years.  I figured…why not get our medals ordered for the 2020 XC Championships?  It’s nice to look forward to a big meet like that!  Also, right now, I can’t imagine that the company that makes the medals is getting a lot of calls right now–so this is a nice thing to do for them, also, giving them an order to work on when their business is down.

So a forward looking act, and a connection with a company that supports us…seems like a good thing to do this week!

And here it is, the 2020 SCVAL XC Championship medal ribbon!

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I am looking forward to seeing that ribbon around the neck of many MVXC athletes.

Up next…for track and field, I’m already working with the same company on the 2021 Rustbuster medals–with the same desire, let’s look to the future!  Stay tuned!

One note for MVTF–I have not given up on our 2020 track season yet.  I know that Gavin Newsome’s speech yesterday was not very optimistic for us, but there are still people working on how things might be saved from the remainder of the high school sports season.  And I don’t do ‘giving up’ very well.  So let’s be optimistic, keep grinding, take care of ourselves and each other, stay healthy, and look towards the future!

Spacing does not have to be disconnection.

