MVXC19: Follow All Summer Long!
Coach Flatow on
May 27, 2019 •
9:13 pm •
Athletes and fans of Monta Vista Cross Country should not neglect checking mvrunning regularly this summer! We will post information about summer training, science updates, random inspiration or running news, information about the MVXC 2019 schedule and season and more!
If you have some photos you would like to share of your summer running adventures, send them along to coach and maybe they will get posted! We have athletes traveling all over this summer, and we want to see what you are up to; seeing an MVXC athlete running (or resting) in front of the Eiffel Tower, the skyline of Chicago, the San Diego harbor or some other exotic spot would make your coach happy, so don’t hold back; shoot coach a photo.
Your coaches will miss seeing you every day–so we will reach out digitally 🙂
Good luck with finals, everyone! And then…summer running!