Hello XC Parents,
Here is a summary and review of the car pool information presented at the MVXC Parents’ Meeting on Wednesday.
We will again be setting up a carpool to get the athletes to the meets. This carpool has been set up to help parents share the job of getting the runners to the meets. Let’s work together as a team to get our children to the meets safely and on time. Our first meet is a few weeks away, so let’s start planning. Here are some guidelines:
- · If your child will be using the carpool, please sign up to drive at least a few times.
- If you are unable to carpool during the week day, you may still sign up for a weekend meet.
- Please help by signing up to bring a case of water to the meet (sign-up available on the google sheet for each meet).
- The dates of the meet are listed on the carpool google spreadsheet so you can plan in advance which days you can drive. Please sign up early so that I can gauge how many extra drivers I will need to recruit. You can click on this link or if that does not work on your device you may go to this site address: https://docs.google.
com/spreadsheets/d/ 13j2Wljm1CyCtcfiFoe081lYmbfaaz OxIAMbb-L8lx6Y/edit#gid= 1057851237 - To help with figuring out your availability for meets, here is a current estimate of the time we need to leave Monta Vista for each meet. These times are based upon last year, and the times may change as the Meet Directors can change schedules for various (or no!) reason. Final departure times will be known no later than a week before the meet, and we anticipate that the times will be close to the ones below:
- Earlybird September 16: 6:15am
- Central Park September 26: 1:45pm
- Crystal Preview October 3: 1:45pm
- Artichoke Invitational & Beach Party October 7: 11:00am (there will be quite a few athletes taking the SAT in the morning who will be driven separately or in small groups)
- Baylands October 17: 1:45pm
- FUHSD Championships October 26: 2:30pm
- SCVAL Championships October 31: 11:45am (JVG)/12:55pm (Rest of team)
- To help with figuring out your availability for meets, here is a current estimate of the time we need to leave Monta Vista for each meet. These times are based upon last year, and the times may change as the Meet Directors can change schedules for various (or no!) reason. Final departure times will be known no later than a week before the meet, and we anticipate that the times will be close to the ones below:
- If your child will NOT need to use the carpool for any individual meet, please update his/her name under the “Driving SELF or NOT going w/carpool”. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT – I use this information to determine the number of seats we will need to transport the team)
- Your child needs to be at the BUS CIRCLE within 15 minutes of the specified time (COACH WILL NOTE THIS TIME ON THE MEET SHEET). Drivers have been instructed to leave within 15 minutes of their specified arrival time. If your child is late, it will be your responsibility to drive them to the meet.
- If a parking fee is involved, please consider giving your child $1-2 dollars to give to the driver to help share the parking expense and cost of gas (especially for the farther meets, like Early Bird & Crystal Springs).
- Have your child let the driver know if they will “need” a ride back to Monta Vista. We do not want any child to be left at the meet.
- Email me and Coach Flatow if your child will not be attending a meet due to illness or an emergency.
- Please try to have the driver clearance form filled out and returned.
- If you know in advance that your child will not participate in the CARPOOL, Please EMAIL me now and let me know. I will remove his name from my list of runners needing a ride.
Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation.
Ceci Imamura
2017 MVXC Team Parent
Cell: 408-396-4781
Email: c2imamura@yahoo.com