Our first Monta Vista Character Lab of the Spring season will be on Monday, March 3, at lunchtime in Mr. Bonacorsi’s classroom–D101.

Character Lab is taught by Coach Flatow and is based on material he learned while earning his Masters Degree in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) from the University of Pennyslvania last year. Fall classes included sessions on capitalization (how to exchange good news), gratitude, the Milgram experiments into the nature of obedience to authority, and the science of personal grit. While Coach Flatow is the cross country coach and the distance coach for the track team, the classes are open to all Monta Vista students–in the Fall, cross country athletes often broad friends to the lunch time sessions.

In our first session, we will talk about what it means to be ‘optmistic’ or ‘pessimistic’–from the persepective of Dr. Marty Seligman, the founder of Coach Flatow’s program at UPenn. Are young people in America are getting more optimistic or more pessimistic? We can look at the science and talk about how we feel–and how we might change the way we feel.

All Character Lab sessions are optional–but if you are reading this, we hope you join us and we hope you bring a friend!