This time it won’t be a PDF, but you can find all meet info here in this post! I will update it between Wednesday and Friday with those that make it to finals.
Monta Vista Track & Field Team 2024
ECAL League Championships hosted by Monta Vista
Wednesday, March 24th and Friday, March 26th, 2024
This is a home meet, so no transportation needs! Get out to the track in your uniform ready to go right after you get out of class – don’t waste time!
Location & Start
Monta Vista High School, 21840 McClellan Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014
3pm scheduled start for field events; 4pm scheduled start for track events (BOTH DAYS)
Meet Overview
All field event team members have been scheduled for early release at 1:40pm – please get to the track ASAP and check-in for your event! If you are in a track event, you should be released at the normal time. If you are an athlete who is not competing, you will have a job to do to help the meet. If you are not given a specific job, then you are on hurdle crew!
Bring the H.E.A.T!
Be Helpful with the meet and put yourself to work on hurdles/block crew, jump pit raking, etc. when you’re not competing
Be Early to your event, which means get your warm up started with plenty of time!
Be Aware of what’s going on – know what events are happening and which ones are coming next. Do not walk on the track if it’s unsafe to do so. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR BELONGINGS!
Be Team-oriented! Cheer your teammates on as they compete on the track and in the field! High-five after a good race/attempt; provide support and encouragement after a bad race/attempt. Be there for each other and win together!
- You MUST be marked with your ID number before the start of the meet! Know your ID number!
- Get to bed early the night before! Let’s say, be in bed at 10pm. You can still get your homework done.
- Eat well! Have a good breakfast and healthy but not too heavy lunch. Don’t change anything that you normally would eat on a meet day.
- Check the weather report to figure out what clothes to bring!
Packing List (Don’t forget!):
Your school issued uniform | Running shoes and spikes, or throwing shoes | Extra clothing as needed |
Water bottle and snack(s)!!! | Any medications you need | Hair ties |
“Extra socks” – Dayo | “Toilet paper” – Manasi | “Grit!” – Coach Flatow |
Athlete Entries:
Since this is the League Championships, we have limited entries in every event. Below is a list of all athletes who are entered and what events they are in. ***For Zoe Laruelle and Allie Rummelhoff, you are both also in the VG Triple Jump since you made the at-large list.***
Here is the meet program where you’ll find heats and lanes. It’s also below. Please make sure you know your heat and lane numbers!!

Overall Meet Program (Wednesday Trials + Friday Field Events):
Track Finals Meet Program (Friday’s Track Events):
Friday Finalists:
VG 100m H – Zoe Laruelle (Ln 2), Raji Kenyan (Ln 7)
JVG 100m H – Elaine Chen (Ln 1)
VB 110m H – Andrew Cheng (Ln 2), Ethan Zhu (Ln 5)
JVB 65m H – Alex Frefel (Ln 4)
VG 400m – Valerie Ayzenberg (Ln 6)
VB 400m – Denny Dong (Ln 4), *Manas Kottakota (1st Alternate)
JVG 400m – Felicity Ho (Ln 2)
JVB 400m – Alex Frefel (Ln 2), Ivan Shilakhov (Ln 3)
VG 100m – Katie Lee (Ln 3), Zoe Laruelle (Ln 8)
VB 100m – *Jeffrey Song (1st Alternate)
VG 300m H – Raji Kenyan (Ln 7)
VB 300m H – Ethan Lu (Ln 4), Ethan Zhu (Ln 5), Manas Kottakota (Ln 6)
JVB 300m H – Jake Tong (Ln 2), Alex Frefel (Ln 5)
VG 200m – Katie Lee (Ln 2)
VB 200m – Denny Dong (Ln 3), * Ben Chen (3rd Alternate)
JVB 200m – Jayden Tang (Ln 7)
Meet Information:
You can find the entire meet information packet here. Below are some highlights and the schedule for each day.
- Trials Day (Wednesday)
- Seeding for the trials will be based on entered time and also, to prevent all of a school’s entries from being in one heat.
- Trials will be held in the 100m, 200m, 400m, 100H/110H/65H and 300H only if more than 8 competitors check-in.
- Only the heat winners will be automatic qualifiers. The rest of the finalist will be determined by time. Therefore, if there are 2 heats: the winner of each heat and the next 6 fastest times will qualify for finals. If there are 3 heats: the winner of each heat and the next 5 fastest times will qualify for finals.
- Seeding for the finals will be based on time only.
- Finals for the F/S boys 3200m and JV girls 3200m will be held on Trials Day.
- All F/S boys and JV girls’ field events will compete on Trials Day. They are allowed only 4 attempts. If the field for an event is more than 12 athletes, then field will be split into 2 flights with the top competitors competing in the second flight. Each legal throw will be measured. A maximum 12 athletes can compete in each flight. This method will only be used for the Boys F/S and Girls JV competition. The order of the Field Events will follow the CCS order when possible.
- Starting height for the high jump will be set 2 inches below lowest entered height of athletes who check-in. The bar will move up in 2-inch increments.
- Finals Day (Friday)
- If there are more than 16 entrants in the 800, we will split the field evenly with the slow group running first and the fast group running second. The combined times from both heats will be used to determine the overall places. If there are an odd number of runners in the 800 when two heats are being run, the additional runner will be placed in the fast heat.
- Only 1 heat will be run for the 1600m in each division.
- Running Events
- 800m – alleys if needed (determined by the starter)
- 1600m – alleys if needed (determined by the starter)
- 3200m – alleys if needed (determined by the starter)
- 1600m Relay – 3 turn stagger
- Running Events
- 2 Alleys will be used for the 800m, 1600m and 3200m if needed (the starter will make determination). The top third of the competitors will run in the outside alley with the fastest competitor on the outside to the slowest on the inside. The other 2 thirds of the competitors will run in the first alley with the fastest of that group on the outside to the slowest on the inside.