MVXC will open the 2024 season for real at the Lagoon Valley Classic on Satuday, August 31!  Here is the meet sheet. And this is a cool video recap of last year’s race to fire you up. It got my heartrate up!

Some other items coming up:

August 28: MVXC Parent Meeting in the student union (cafeteria) at 6:15 pm.

August 30: Pasta Night before our competition; at Tanay’s home hosted by his parents (details to follow). Also….we would love to have a family/families host another pasta night Friday, September 20th before DLS.

September 2: 7 am Morning Practice! It’s a holiday, so let’s have an early start and run in cool temperatures.

September 3: CharacterLab. At lunchtime in Mr. Bonacorsi’s classroom.  This is optional…Coach Flatow is going to be teaching some of what he learned last year at the University of Pennsylvania as he earned his Masters in Positive Psychology degree. This will be a series of lunchtime seminars; the first one will be on Tuesday and the rest will be on Mondays, every two weeks, always at lunchtime. We will start in Mr. Bonacorsi’s classroom and if we outgrow that, we will move to a larger space. The seminar is open to any Monta Vista athlete, not only cross-country, and you can bring a friend too. It is optional, and there will be no tests 🙂  We are going to start with Coach Flatow’s favorite topic, Grit, with an adaptation of the first class that Angela Duckworth teaches at Penn in GritLab 101. You are getting an early start on college!

September 6: 3200 Madness. Monta Vista will be hosting Lynbrook and Santa Clara in a series of 3200 heats! First heat at 4:50 pm, slow to fast, we should be done by 7 pm.  Vikings, Bruins, and Matadors blazing on the track!