March 22nd, 2025


YOU are responsible for arranging your transportation to Fremont High School, on time!


Location & Start

575 W Fremont Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087


8:30am—scheduled meet start. Look at the schedule below to determine when you need to arrive. Ideally, you are at the meet 90 minutes before your first event is scheduled to start.


Meet Overview

This is a really fun meet! You can combine scores with your teammates to form the “relays” and earn extra medals outside of your individual placement. It’s also just a big meet with a lot of competition. It will be a long day though, so plan accordingly. Let’s try to stay off of our feet in between events if you have multiple that you are doing throughout the day. This is a huge energy waster, standing/walking around for hours (trust me, that’s what I do all day at track meets and my legs are zapped afterwards!).


Bring your A-game!

Weekend invitationals are a little bit different than our league meets – the focus is more on yourself as an individual. These will be opportunities to face better competition than normal and a larger variety of competition – kids you’re not going to see at our league meets! Rise to the occasion and capitalize on the opportunity and you may go home with a t-shirt – or even better, a PR!

Monta Vista’s Firebird Invite Entries

Meet Program:


NameEventScheduled Time of Event
Track Events
Raji KenyanVG 100m H – heat 1, ln 88:30am
Constantine ChuaFSB 65m H – heat 1, ln 39:00am
Aidan C-KFSB 1600m (maybe heat 2)9:27am
Anika BhandarkarVG 1600m – heat 19:45am
Manasi Prasad VG 1600m (maybe heat 2) 9:54am
Siran Gao
Hemani Kamarshi
Tanay ParikhVB 1600m – heat 110:03am
Ethan Yang
Soham BeesettiVB 1600m (maybe heat 2)10:12am
Viha G, Sofia G, Allie R, Felicity CFSG 4x100m Relay  – h1, ln410:21am
Jeffrey C, Constantine C, Aaryan S, Ekaagar C

Alt.: Rohan A

FSB 4x100m Relay – h1, ln2 10:24am
VB: Justin Y, Ethan Y, Ryan L, Soham Beesetti

FSB: Tarun G, Jeffrey C, Sam H, Riu Y

Combined Boys

Distance Medley Relay


Jeffrey ChoyFSB 400m – heat 2, ln 212:15pm
Aaryan SamantaFSB 400m – heat 3, ln 512:18pm
Jonah ChangFSB 400m – heat 4, ln 412:21pm
Micah LeongFSB 400m – heat 5, ln 412:24pm
Hemani KamarshiVG 400m – heat 3, ln 812:36pm
FSB: Tarun G, Kento M, Sam H, Riu YCombined Boys

4x800m Relay

Viha GopalanFSG 100m – heat 3, ln 71:36pm
Sofia GrigoliaFSG 100m – heat 6, ln 81:42pm
Aarayn SamantaFSB 100m – heat 2, ln 21:48pm
Rohan AgarwalFSB 100m – heat 6, ln 61:56pm
Ekaagar ChawlaFSB 100m – heat 7, ln 61:58pm
Jonah ChangFSB 100m – heat 9, ln 32:02pm
Katie LeeVG 100m – heat 2, ln 22:06pm
Jayden TangVB 100m – heat 1, ln 82:18pm
Aidan C-KFSB 800m2:46pm
Kento MuraseFSB 800m2:46pm
Hemani KamarshiVG 800m3:01pm
Tanay ParikhVB 800m – heat 13:11pm
Soham BeesettiVB 800m (maybe heat 2)3:16pm
Justin Yaung VB 800m (maybe heat 3) 3:21pm
Sola Nojima
Raji KenyanVG 300m H – heat 2, ln 43:38pm
Andrew ChengVB 300m H – heat 4, ln 74:05pm
Anika Bhandarkar

Combined Girls



Melinda Zhao
Naomi Hsu
Medha Rustagi
Vikram MallyaFSB 3200m5:26pm
Aarayn S, Jeffrey C, Constantine C, Riu YFSB 4x400m relay

heat 1, ln 5

Field Events
Eddie FanVB Triple Jump – open pit



Agasthya Kothuri
Ryan Shen
Darren Lin
Lauren Moore

VG Long Jump – open pit

Dylan Hwang
Clara Fan
Lelani Laruelle
Micah LeongFSB High Jump – open pit
Alex Sharma

VG Shot Put

Clara Fan
Gillie Ross
Graham Ischo

VB Discus Throw

Eddie Fan
Adam Abdelrahman
Jasmine ZhaoFSG High Jump – open pit10:30am
Eddie Fan

VB Shot Put


Graham Ischo
Adam Abdelrahman
Alex Sharma VG Discus Throw
Gillie Ross
Agasthya Kothuri VB Long Jump – open pit

VB Long Jump – open pit



Dayo Davies
Darren Lin
Ryan Shen
Ryan Shen

VB High Jump – open pit


Agasthya Kothuri
Darren Lin
Dayo Davies
Lauren Moore

VG Triple Jump – open pit


Zoe Laruelle
Dylan Hwang
Clara Fan
Rohan AgarwalFSB Discus Throw2:00pm
Allie RummelhoffFSG Shot Put


Sofia Grigolia

FSG Long Jump – open pit

Rafaela Maglaque
Jasmine Zhao
Viha Gopalan
Rafaela Maglaque

FSG Triple Jump – open pit


Jasmine Zhao
Viha Gopalan
Allie Rummelhoff
Dylan Hwang

VG High Jump – open pit

Clara Fan
Lelani Laruelle
Rohan AgarwalFSB Long Jump – open pit 4:30pm


Rafaela MaglaqueFSG Discus Throw

FSG Discus Throw

Jasmine Zhao
Allie Rummelhoff


↓ All meet information below ↓

General Meet Information

  • Running events begins at 8:30am
  • Field Events begin at 8:30 am
  • Four divisions; VG, VB, F/S Girls, F/S Boys
  • Lane and flight assignments will be seeded by best times and marks
  • Athletes may only compete in one division
  • Athletic trainers will be on-site
  • Meet will be held rain or shine
  • Admission: $5.00 per adult, $2.00 per student
  • T-Shirts and concessions on sale



  • Medals for top 6 individual places (for 100, 400, 800, 1600), top 3 in events where times/marks are added together to comprise relays (school must have at least three competitors in the event to constitute a field event team-combination relay)
  • Meet trophy for team with most points for all four combined divisions (must score in each division)


Track & Field Events

scheduled time and order, 8:30 start

  • The 1st half of the track events will run by the scheduled time on final heat sheet program, then by ROLLING SCHEDULE
  • Detailed Time table will be added by Friday 3/21, after all entries have heats & flights
  1. 100m/110m/65m Hurdles 8:30
    1. VG 100mH
    2. FSG 100mH
    3. VB 110Mh
    4. FSB 65mH
  2. 1600m run
    1. FSG 1600m
    2. FSB 1600m
    3. VG 1600m
    4. VB 1600m
  3. 4x100m Relay
    1. FSG 4X100m
    2. FSB 4X100m
    3. VG 4X100m
    4. VB 4X100m
  4. Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m)
    1. All Girls DMR
    2. All Boys DMR
  5. 400m run
    1. FSG 400m
    2. FSB 400m
    3. VG 400m
    4. VB 400m
  6. 4x800m Relay
    1. All Girls 4X800m
    2. All Boys 4X800m
  7. 100m dash (Each team gets at least 1 competitor, then seed rank will fill out 96 total competitors)
    1. FSG 100m
    2. FSB 100m
    3. VG 100m
    4. VB 100m
  8. 800m run
    1. FSG 800m
    2. FSB 800m
    3. VG 800m
    4. VB 800m
  9. 300IH (scoring 3-deep total time for relay)
    1. FSG 300mH
    2. VG 300Mh
    3. FSB 300mH
    4. VB 300mH
  10. Speed Medley Relay (100, 100, 200, 400) (replaces 200m and 4x200m relay)
    1. FSG SMR
    2. FSB SMR
    3. VG SMR
    4. VB SMR
  11. 3200M run
    1. VG & FSG
    2. VB
    3. FSB
  12. 4x400m relay
    1. FSG 4X400m
    2. FSB 4X400m
    3. VG 4X400m
    4. VB 4X400m

Field Events – Estimated Schedule
(Field event limit of 4 competitors per school per division (replacements can be written in with event
official, but may delay over-all results on Athletic.Net). 3-top competitors per team comprise field event
1. High Jump (open pit duration per division, estimated start times below, may change once entries
are in )
a. 8:30 – FSB HJ, start at 4’04”
b. 10:30 – FSG HJ, start at 3’04”
c. 12:00 – VB HJ, start at 4’10”
d. 3:00 – VG HJ, start at 3’10”
2. Shot Put (estimated start times below, may change once all entries are in )
a. 8:30 – VG SP
b. 11:00 – VB SP
c. 2:30 – FSG SP
d. 4:30 – FSB SP
3. Triple jump (open pit per division, estimated start times below, may change once all entries are in
a. 8:30 – VB TJ
b. 11:00 – FSB TJ
c. 1:00 – VG TJ
d. 3:00 – FSG TJ 4.
4. Discus (estimated start times below, may change once all entries are in )
a. 8:30 – VB Disc
b. 11:00 – VG Disc
c. 2:00 – FSB Disc
d. 4:30 – FSG Disc
5. Long Jump (open pit per division, estimated start times below, may change once all entries are in
a. 8:30 – VG LJ
b. 11:30 – VB LJ
c. 2:30 – FSG LJ
d. 4:30 – FSB LJ
