
There will be an informational Zoom call on Friday, June 12, hosted by MVXC athletes, for all incoming freshmen!  We want to answer your questions about the Monta Vista cross country team.  Read on…

Hello Future MVXC Runners,

We are the Monta Vista Cross Country team! We loved seeing all of your interest at our booth on incoming freshman night, so we wanted to reach out to you with some more information about us. We know that starting high school can be stressful, especially with all of this uncertainty, but we are here to help make your transition a little bit easier. The Monta Vista running community is a family of people from different grades that are ready to answer any questions you may have about running, high school, or life!

During a normal summer, we would be able to meet up with you and show you some of our favorite runs, have a few game nights, and get to know you in person. Since we can’t do that yet, we’d like to invite you to our first MVXC Q+A session, featuring a Kahoot (with prizes)! (linked below). If you want to RSVP, respond to this email with the best way to contact you (email, messenger, instagram), your favorite food place, and something you’re excited about for high school! To find more information about our team, you can check out

We know that some of you on this list may not be freshman, but we would love for you to attend our zoom call and ask us questions about running or anything else! If you have any questions, you can contact me or any of the people CC’ed on this email.

See you all soon,

MVXC Athletes

Topic: MVXC Freshies!
Time: Jun 12, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 6081 9474
Password: 330774
