Athletic Clearance Days Begin in Three Weeks!
kirk on
Jul 16, 2019 •
2:25 am •
Gee, this summer is flying by! Didn’t we see our seniors graduate only a few weeks ago? Yikes!
Coming up fast are the days you may come and get athletic clearance; these four days begin on Tuesday, August 6. You must be cleared before starting practice, and before being cleared you must have your doctor sign your physical form part 2–so if you have not had your annual physical yet, you must get this done in the next three weeks! Please let’s get this done–you may not practice with the team unless you have been cleared!
All the clearance procedures are explained and links to all the necessary forms are on matadorathletics.
We will be together before you know it!
I hope you are all having great summers and that your running is going well!