Last year the Monta Vista Running teams had a great day working in the Fremont Older Open Space district on a trail project; the district liked us a lot and they have invited us back for a second year!
This is a great opportunity for us to ‘give back’ to our community. As a team, we run thousands of miles every year (figure it out–it’s true!). Without Fremont Older our runs would be pretty flat and boring. Taking one of our mornings to work on restoring the trails that we run on is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation for the resources we have in our community, and help do our part to keep these facilities in great condition for everyone.
There is space for 12 volunteers! Please email Coach Flatow ( if you would like to sign up. First 12 to commit to helping are accepted. No previous experience and no skill is needed!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Fremont Older Preserve
12 Participants Max
Habitat/Trail Restoration – Restoring the area around the Memorial Bench
Please carpool and limit cars to 5 or less
2012 Volunteers: Coach Flatow, Rohan, Neha, Jenny, Emilio, Salvador, John H., Josiah, Bridget, Nandini, Kiersten, Anand, Sanjna.