Have you been habit-stacking?


The USA Olympic Trials begin today, Friday, June 21! There will be a lot of content on TV and streaming…maybe you want to watch some with your friends. Here are heat sheets for the weekend if you want to follow along. I do!

A couple of fun notes from the heat sheets…check out the triple jump for tonight and you will see Victoria Kadiri from Johns Hopkins–she was part of the team I helped coach in Baltimore this last season. It was such a joy to watch Victoria train and compete! She shows joy in her athletics. In the men’s 1500, you will find Casey Comber, who was also a volunteer coach at Hopkins; Casey and I were side-by-side calling splits out for the Hop distance crew all Winter and Spring. He is a super dude! D3 is legit, for sure. Elena Bruckner, in the discus, was a CCS athlete and competed against our own throw coach, Emma Seyer, 10 years ago. I also have a rooting interest in Steph Bruce, Maggie Montoya, and Kellyn Taylor, who all have talked to MVXC/MVTF in the past–a big help while we were dealing with the pandemic lockdown. Do you have any athletes you are watching closely?

While each of these athletes may appear to be on their own out there, let’s remember that this is not just an individual competition. Every athlete who has made it this far is part of a larger team. They have coaches, teammates, training partners, and family members who have been by their side for years, supporting them on their journey to this moment on the track in Eugene. It’s a testament to the power of teamwork and the strength of these athletes’ support systems. Our connections to our teammates matter, and the quality of those connections to our teammates correlates to our individual performance. Happy teams, happy teammates, and supportive relationships lead to better performance and greater achievements. Please, please think about this as you head to summer running this week and make an extra effort to get to know the new runners and make sure they are settling in to the rhythm of MVXC. Take a little more time to check in with your running partners and see how they are doing, and share a smile and a laugh. Maybe set up a time to watch the Trials on TV together–IRL, sitting next to each other, maybe with something to eat.

Relationships matter in athletics and in everything. Invest in your friendships and make them deep and solid.

And talk about the Trials races on your runs this week!

Speaking of which…

Suggested Workouts for Week 3 of Summer Running

Here are some key reminders:

  • Send me photos!  I miss you.
  • Build connections with new team members. Make sure that they know that they matter to you.
  • Get new runner contact info, and get them on Discord
  • Plan a trip to Running Revolution for new shoes (tell them you are with Monta Vista cross country)
  • Try to negative split your runs! That doesn’t mean turning every run into a race, but try not to finish feeling faster than your start!

MVXC24 Athlete-Lead Summer Running

Week Three Suggestions:  June 24

 Approx Miles  
DayNew3545Suggested RunOther
Mon368We still might be getting new people and first timers so let’s try a run that has options for everyone.  How about go out the railroad tracks and drill at Rainbow.  Veterans who are ready for Up and Over—go for it!  Newer people can run with the vets and instead of heading up Prospect, continue straight on the RR tracks to De Anza then turn around and head back to school.  You can add on the track while you wait for Up and Over runners to return—you all can have the same time on your feet.Core! Maybe some extra shin splint pre-hab (15m of heel walks and toe walks before and after core), and let’s go stretch our calves in stands. Stretch your calves for at least s each side—time yourself! 
Tues566Head out to Monta Vista Park and drill.  Come back to school on the Palm Ave route through McClellan Ranch.  New runners or runners getting back into shape can run this at conversational pace.  Overachievers with big plans for the 2023 XC season can run the three miles at Steady State Pace*.   Learn from last week—if you feel like you like you nailed it, hit the same pace; or adjust faster or slower so you feel quick but comfortable, and at the end satisfied but not wrecked.Core, do everything but some extra on lateral abs.  Do some more shin splint pre-hab B4 & after core.  I like some sets of toe taps while leaning against a fence or wall, really pull your toes up hard. (Aren’t sure what I mean?  ASK!)
Weds357Warm up to Linda Vista and drill.  After drills, run 4-6×15 second (these are meant to be short) hill repeats. I want these to feel no harder than a stride.  Teach the new runners what a hill repeat is.  New runners can head straight back to school.  Veterans can run to Regnart then either RR tracks, Stelling or Stelling + Memorial depending on mileage you need.Core, with focus on legs—more reverse lunges, walking lunges, etc. than usual.  Extra calf stretching too.
Thu5 or rest day for new runners79Matadors Point.  New runners can come straight back or turn around at the dam face, or run all the way to the keyhole.  45s can run a few laps before taking off to Matadors.   Coming back using the golf course cutoff to Linda Vista, this adds 1 mile.Core.  And if you want to play a game, play a game!
Fri366Warm up and drill on track.  Then head to McClellan…new runners back at Blackberry Farms cut off or Stevens Creek,  veterans Phar Lap.  Strides!Core, with some extra focus on lateral abs.
Sat6911Up and Over, or Up and Over + Garrods.  New runners can stay flat and come back from Prospect if they want.  Maybe some new runners are inspired to tackle Up and Over for the first time!  If any new runners want to tackle Up and Over…some veteran, PLEASEvolunteer to guide any new runners on their first U&O!  At this point, some of the brand new freshmen runners are ready for Up and Over!  I’d like some extra calf stretching afterwards!
Sun   Do something active!  Bike ride with teammates, swim, water run, play a game.  Or go for a run and then make a day next week a non-running day. 
