We had an informal track & field meeting today, and somehow that makes the upcoming season seem more real!  It was wonderful to see the team get together for the first time in 2012, even if it was only part of the team.  It won’t be too long until we get to put on the spikes for real!

We are still waiting for the school administration to tell us what tracks we are going to be using, but no matter what we will figure it out.  This will take a little more personal responsibility from everyone on the team, but there is no problem that can’t be solved.  Track and field is an elemental activity–we run, we jump over things, we jump into things, we throw things!  We can do that almost anywhere…we will figure this out.  Stay tuned!

Athletes got to meet some of our new coaches for this year–Dr. Barb Acosta (middle-distance/distance), Scott Bloomquist (sprints and high jump), and our new Olympian, Erica McLain (long and triple jumps)–as well as check in with Coaches Kirk and Matt also.  (BTW potential jumpers…get ready for some pretty incredible training!  Coach Erica has plans for you!)

First practice is February 6.  You will need all your paperwork then…watch this space, we will be posting a cover sheet for all the paperwork to help us get it right the first time.  In the meantime…you need to take care of your physical paperwork.  If you have participated in a sport already this year, get a copy of all the paperwork that you filed for that sport.  If track is going to be your first sport this year, then please schedule a physical as soon as you can so you will have your paperwork on February 6.

Attached is the hand out from the meeting.

Time to start getting ready for track and field!

Here is a thought as you get ready for the season.  Track & field will give you back exactly what you put into it.  Work hard, you will improve.  Period.  It’s part of the beauty of track…it’s a metaphor for the best things in life, where we work hard to achieve something important.   Let’s get ready to work together to achieve a lot of PRs…it’s going to be great!

Athletes, it was great to see you today.  We missed you!  See you soon, get ready to run!