The San Jose Mercury News announced their All-Santa Clara county teams this morning, and Monta Vista was represented in both boys and girls!

Kevin Bishop was selected for the First Team, recognizing a very strong senior season which included second place finishes in the strong De Anza League and in the Central Coast Section Division 1, and a top-20 finish in the California State Meet.  Jenny Xu was selected for the Second Team, based on her first place finish in the DAL, a medalist at CCS and a top-50 finish at State.  Jenny was the only freshman girl on the First or Second girls’ teams.

Congratulations, Kevin and Jenny, on your well-deserved honors!  This recognition is due to your own hard work, determination and perseverance.

For the goal-oriented, analytical athletes reading this–hmm, that does sound like a Monta Vista student-athlete, doesn’t it?–here is the range of times the all-county team members ran at at the 2.95 mile Crystal Springs course during CCS finals.  With some determination and long-term effort, these times are not out of reach for some of us, are they?


First team:  14:59 to 15:30

Second team:  15:30 to 15:37

Honorable mention:  15:37 to 16:00


First team:  17:57-18:23

Second team:  18:31 to 18:53

Honorable mention:  18:58 to 19:29