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I hope that everyone enjoyed listening to Michael Wardian last Friday!

There were a couple of stories that resonated strongly with me.  Michael reflected very openly about some of his failures.  For example, the first time that Michael tried to join his local running team, he was rejected–the team said he was too slow!  Rather than give up and go do something else, Michael went to work and ten months later he was faster, beat most of the team in a 10 mile race, and was asked to join the team.  

I also laughed at the story of Michael’s first ultra-marathon–when he described being passed and beaten by old men doing run-walk strategies, I felt like he could have been talking about me!  It would have been easy to decide to not continue running ultras; getting beat by old men is not too fun, is it?  But Michael hung with it and now he is one of the top ultra-runners anywhere.

Stories like these are objective examples of grit and perseverance in the face of adversity.  And Angela Duckworth would say that his ability to laugh at himself and learn from the mistakes he made show that Michael has a growth mindset, making it possible for him to learn and grow and adapt and improve.

These are traits that I wish for all the athletes on my team!  I want you all to be open to growth, both in your running and your life.  Maybe you don’t become a world-famous runner like Michael; but right now, you have no idea how good you could be!  So keep laughing and working and trying.  Same with your math, your French, your writing, your chem.

Do you have a favorite moment from Michael’s talk last Friday?  Send it to coach, I really want to hear!

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We also briefly met Rosie, the vizsla…here are a couple images of Rosie the wonder dog.  Apparently, Rosie was a bit of a menace during the Backyard Ultra, getting in the way of Michael and support team members, as well as stealing and devouring one of Michael’s pizzas…

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If you are interested in learning more about Michael, there are some good videos and articles on our guest.

ESPN’s take on 7 Marathons/7 Continents/7 Days.

Michael talking about his journey.

WaPost on the Backyard Ultra.

NY Times on the Backyard Ultra.

A profile in Medium.