
Now, this has nothing to do with VO2max or our 5km PRs, but I saw this and though someone might want to try this…I am a member and supporter of the Berkeley Rep Theatre, and they sent me an email about an acting class they are putting on over Zoom for families during the quarantine.  It’s a four week class, every Saturday at 10am starting this week, April 11.  Families take the class together.  Every week, each family learns a new technique and makes a performing piece. They have you use items from closets, kitchens, and garages to create laughs with the whole family.

Maybe this is something that would entertain your family these next few weeks!  I could this being fun for some of our families.

It’s $140 for the entire class, here is the information (scroll down to Family Comedy Zoom).

Nothing to do with running but I was thinking of you guys.  I hope some of you have fun with this!