

Here are some suggested workouts for our break week.  We will add to this list as different coaches create some suggestions.

These workouts may be slightly different from what we will do with athletes that attend the team practices.  The workouts below are modified to be easier to do on your own, while traveling with your families.

Good luck and be gritty!  It is tough to do a workout on your own sometimes, but you will feel so much better when you are back with the team after break–you will have continued to build your fitness!



Distance Workouts:

Saturday 2/15:  CV pace workout.  Warm up and drill as usual.  Then run a Fartlek as follows:  2 minutes ON, 90 seconds conversational pace run, 90 seconds ON, 90 seconds conversational pace run, 2 minutes ON, 90 seconds conversational pace run, 90 seconds ON, 90 seconds conversational pace run, etc.  Continue this pattern for 25-40 minutes, 30 is a good number for strong first year runners, 40 is a good number for 3-4 year runners.   The pace for the ON segments should be a bit faster than tempo pace; it should feel like a fast-but-only-slightly-uncomfortable.  The recovery segments should allow you to be recover but not a total shag pace.  Finish with 6×100 or 4×150 hard strides with full recovery and then 10-20 minute warm down.  Do not neglect some core and some stretching!
Sunday 2/16:  Rest day (but if you were traveling yesterday or tomorrow you might want to get a run in today instead).
Monday 2/17:  At the track we will be running ~45 second hill repeats on Matt’s Hill, with a warmup to the top of Fire Trail, so if you can duplicate that workout then that is a great idea.  If you can’t duplicate that workout (for instance, if you are someplace without hills, or your parents would like you to stay on hotel property, etc), then what you can do is run a long warm up, drill, then 6-8×45 second strides with full recovery then a long warm down run.
Tuesday 2/18:  Warm up, then a 20-25 minute continuous run at your Lactic Threshold paces (comfortably-fast or fast-but-comfortable).  Finish with 3×200 hard with some good recovery in between and a 10 minute warm down, stretching, and core.  If a long, continuous run seems too hard to do on your own, run this in 5 minute segments with 1 minute resets (not enough to fully recovery).  This is a good day to do some legs with your core–lunges, warriors, body-weight squats–as well as the usual stuff.  Plus some good long hold stretches for your quads, hammies and your calves.


Wednesday 2/19:  40-50 minute maintenance run.
Thursday 2/20:  Long run at conversational pace (whatever this means for you).  Six strides at the end.  Core and stretching; core should focus on side and lower abs (rockets!).
Friday 2/21:  40-50 minute maintenance run.
Saturday 2/22:  15 minute warm up and drill.  Then a 5-4-3-2-1 Fartlek run with 3 minute recoveries: 5 minutes fast-but-comfortable, 3 minute conversational, 4 minutes a little faster than the 5 interval, 3 minute conversational, 3 minutes a little faster than the 4 interval…you get the idea!  15 minute cool down.
Sunday 2/23:  Rest!  Or X-train.
Monday:  Back to practice and it will be Shootout Week!



See this link for sprint workouts.

