As of January 28, as we head to the first day of practice, Monta Vista Track & Field 2018 has
153 athletes!
A complete roster as-of today is listed below. These are all the athletes that have selected track and field and completed all the necessary clearance actions. Thank you to all the athletes that continue to be responsible and are signed up early.
You can still join the track and field team! If you want to join, you should follow this link to Matador Athletics for all the forms and information needed to be cleared. Remember that our first practice will be January 29 and you must be cleared in order to participate with the team in any activity.
If you think that you completed all your clearance activities before January 28, but you are not listed on the roster below, then you actually are not cleared! 🙁 What you should do is go see Javier Margarito in the trainer office and see what you are missing. Coach Flatow cannot do anything with the clearance process; Coach simply looks on-line to see who has joined the track team and been cleared. Javier has all the control of the clearance process. So…first, go to Matador Athletics and verify that you have done everything listed. When you think you are set, go see Javier and make sure you are cleared. Then wait a couple days, check back here and see if your name has been added to the roster. That should work!
Monta Vista Athletic Boosters
One last thing…though it is not part of the clearance process, please consider having your family join Monta Vista Athletic Boosters. We always get nearly 100% of MVTF/MVXC families joining every year. MVAB is a great organization that has provided irreplaceable support to Monta Vista Track and Field in particular, and Monta Vista Athletics in general. More than 60% of MVAB membership dues goes directly back to Monta Vista Track and Field (and additional tax-deductible donations can also be directly sent to MVTF). Over and above this contribution, MVAB has been very responsive to specific funding requests from MVTF. Thanks to the Monta Vista Athletic Boosters, the track and field team has acquired:
New, collegiate-quality hurdles
Starting blocks identical to those used in the 2012 London Olympics
Yoga mats
New uniforms
Custom canopy-shelters
Custom decorated collegiate-sized jump pits
Yeti hydration/ice station
…among other items!
In addition, MVAB provides scholarships to graduating seniors, and MVTF athletes are well represented every year. Only members are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
If your family is facing a financial challenge at this time, simply let Coach Flatow or the MVAB track and field representative know, and you will be granted a season membership at no cost.
Monta Vista Track and Field Training T-Shirts
We will be ordering Monta Vista Track and Field training t-shirts this year, and the athlete from all families that have joined MVAB will receive a t-shirt (that’s where the funding for the shirts is coming from, after all!). For families that have joined Monta Vista Boosters before the start of the season (either by paying for a membership or asking for a financial waiver), the athlete will be guaranteed a choice of t-shirt size. For families that join or apply for a waiver after the start of the season, the athlete receive a t-shirt but we cannot guarantee a choice of size. For families that choose not to join MVAB, the athlete may purchase a shirt if they choose.
So…please join the Monta Vista Athletic Boosters–there will be an immediate return on your membership!
Monta Vista Track and Field 2018
Roster as of January 28
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Year | |
1 | Naimisha | Adira | Female | 9 |
2 | Arushi | Agastwar | Female | 9 |
3 | Avishi | Agastwar | Female | 9 |
4 | Rohun | Agrawal | Male | 9 |
5 | Sricharan | Ananta | Male | 10 |
6 | Reema | Apte | Female | 11 |
7 | Ashwyn | Asthana | Male | 11 |
8 | Steven | Ataee | Male | 12 |
9 | Cheryl | Bai | Female | 9 |
10 | Pranav | Balamurali | Male | 11 |
11 | Sanmitra | Banerjee | Male | 9 |
12 | Risha | Baxi | Female | 11 |
13 | Akshay | Bharadwaj | Male | 10 |
14 | Sanjana | Borle | Female | 11 |
15 | Claire | Chang | Female | 11 |
16 | Sean | Chen | Male | 10 |
17 | Vivian | Cheng | Female | 9 |
18 | Morris | Chiang | Male | 12 |
19 | Catherine | Cole | Female | 10 |
20 | Ryan | Dang | Male | 11 |
21 | Madhav | Danturthi | Male | 10 |
22 | Aditya | Dash | Male | 10 |
23 | Sarang | Deshpande | Male | 10 |
24 | Daleep | Dhami | Male | 9 |
25 | Upasana | Dilip | Female | 9 |
26 | Atharva | Dixit | Male | 12 |
27 | Jainam | Doshi | Male | 9 |
28 | Richard | Dowd | Male | 12 |
29 | Christian | Dulay | Male | 10 |
30 | Samantha | Dunn | Female | 9 |
31 | shakthi | Elangovan | Male | 11 |
32 | Adrian | Enescu | Male | 11 |
33 | Andy | Fang | Male | 11 |
34 | Christy | Feng | Female | 9 |
35 | Sarah | Feng | Female | 11 |
36 | Jeff | Flewelling | Male | 10 |
37 | Miranda | Flint | Female | 9 |
38 | Kavish | Ganapathy | Male | 10 |
39 | Cynthia | Gong | Female | 11 |
40 | Matthew | Gong | Male | 12 |
41 | Akshay | Gopalkrishnan | Male | 11 |
42 | Purva | Gupta | Female | 9 |
43 | Daniel | Harb | Male | 9 |
44 | Peter | Heydinger | Male | 11 |
45 | Victor | Ho | Male | 12 |
46 | Evelyn | How | Female | 11 |
47 | Conner | Hsu | Male | 10 |
48 | Brian | Huang | Male | 12 |
49 | Douglas | Huang | Male | 10 |
50 | Sabrina | Hung | Female | 12 |
51 | Vibha | Iyengar | Female | 9 |
52 | Arvind | Jagdish | Male | 10 |
53 | Jessica | Ji | Female | 11 |
54 | jonah | ji | Male | 11 |
55 | Rachel | Jiang | Female | 9 |
56 | Gavin | John | Male | 9 |
57 | Daniel | Kao | Male | 9 |
58 | Yash | Karandikar | Male | 10 |
59 | Aryan | Kashyap | Male | 10 |
60 | Elena | Khan | Female | 9 |
61 | Arnav | Khinvasara | Male | 10 |
62 | Jeffrey | Kim | Male | 9 |
63 | Sean | Kim | Male | 10 |
64 | Srivatsasa | Kodavatiganti | Male | 9 |
65 | Manu | Kondapaneni | Male | 11 |
66 | Sai Vishal | Koppuru | Male | 9 |
67 | Kelli | Kosakura | Female | 9 |
68 | Saumya | Kumaran | Female | 10 |
69 | Owen | Lassa | Male | 9 |
70 | Derek | Lee | Male | 12 |
71 | Jasmine | Lee | Female | 10 |
72 | Kyle | Lee | Male | 9 |
73 | Ryan | Lee | Male | 12 |
74 | Vishwadeep | Lella | Male | 10 |
75 | Morgan | Li | Female | 10 |
76 | Claire | Lin | Female | 10 |
77 | Justin | Lin | Male | 12 |
78 | Lauren | Ling | Female | 11 |
79 | Andie | Liu | Female | 9 |
80 | Tyler | Liu | Male | 10 |
81 | Simon | Loeffler | Male | 9 |
82 | Frank | Lu | Male | 9 |
83 | Eliot | Lubomirsky | Male | 12 |
84 | Grace | Luo | Female | 12 |
85 | Katherine | Ma | Female | 10 |
86 | Sneha | Maiti | Female | 9 |
87 | Akshara | Majjiga | Female | 12 |
88 | Owen | Malone | Male | 12 |
89 | Arjun | Mathur | Male | 12 |
90 | Ila | Menon | Female | 10 |
91 | Aravind | Meyyappan | Male | 11 |
92 | Kamyar | Moradi | Male | 10 |
93 | Anita | Narkhede | Female | 12 |
94 | Nanda | Nayak | Female | 12 |
95 | Ryan | Niu | Male | 11 |
96 | Sylvana | Northrop | Female | 9 |
97 | Mohana | Nukala | Male | 10 |
98 | Anjana | Parasuram | Female | 10 |
99 | Pranav | Pata | Male | 10 |
100 | Siddhant | Patel | Male | 9 |
101 | Tvisha | Patel | Female | 9 |
102 | Niel | Paul | Male | 10 |
103 | Michael | Pavlik | Male | 9 |
104 | Devin | Pereira | Female | 12 |
105 | Miles | Pereira | Male | 10 |
106 | Khang | Pham | Male | 10 |
107 | Ananya | Rajagopal | Female | 10 |
108 | Arnav | Raut | Male | 9 |
109 | Pranav | Reddy | Male | 9 |
110 | Alex | Richardson | Male | 10 |
111 | Andrew | Richardson | Male | 9 |
112 | Triya | Roy | Female | 10 |
113 | Jessica | Sacor | Female | 10 |
114 | Aditi | Sadwelkar | Female | 9 |
115 | Nandini | Saldi | Female | 10 |
116 | Tarun | Sarang | Male | 10 |
117 | Reedit | Shahriar | Male | 10 |
118 | Tanmay | Sharma | Male | 9 |
119 | Vishal | Sodem | Male | 11 |
120 | Nitin | Subramanian | Male | 10 |
121 | Bhavna | Sud | Female | 12 |
122 | Priyanka | Sujan | Female | 12 |
123 | Daiwik | Swaminathan | Male | 9 |
124 | Shoshana | Tai | Female | 11 |
125 | Anushka | Tandon | Female | 11 |
126 | Leena | Tantawy | Female | 9 |
127 | Anjali | Thontakudi | Female | 11 |
128 | Jeremy | Tien | Male | 11 |
129 | Jason | Tsujimoto | Male | 12 |
130 | Kyle | Tsujimoto | Male | 10 |
131 | victoria | tung | Female | 11 |
132 | Sara | Valtanen | Female | 9 |
133 | Aniceto | Vasquez | Male | 11 |
134 | Anish | Vasudevan | Male | 10 |
135 | Anjini | Venugopal | Female | 12 |
136 | Daniel | Vyshetsky | Male | 12 |
137 | Eric | Wang | Male | 11 |
138 | Zoe | Wang | Female | 9 |
139 | Amanda | Wilson | Female | 11 |
140 | David | Wu | Male | 11 |
141 | Martin | Xiao | Male | 10 |
142 | Melinda | Ximen | Female | 11 |
143 | Albert | Xu | Male | 9 |
144 | Brandon | Xu | Male | 9 |
145 | Brian | Xu | Male | 9 |
146 | Jeffrey | Xu | Male | 12 |
147 | Wilson | Xu | Male | 10 |
148 | Melanie | Yap | Female | 10 |
149 | Jason | Yip | Male | 9 |
150 | Winbert | Zhang | Male | 9 |
151 | Becca | Zheng | Male | 12 |
152 | Derek | Zheng | Male | 11 |
153 | Eric | Zheng | Male | 9 |