Please Get Cleared Before December 14
Coach Flatow on
Nov 8, 2020 •
10:42 pm •
70 viewsThis is a reminder that when practice starts on December 14, everyone must be completely cleared by the school in order to participate–no exceptions. If you have already had your physical, you are ready to go, there will be some paperwork to file and complete the concussion test. If you have not had your physical yet, you should schedule your physical right away–there are only a few weeks left, and there is Thanksgiving holiday, there may be limited doctor appointments available, finals are coming and you will get busy…so PLEASE take care of your clearance right away. As of November 8, only 6 athletes are cleared.
If you already have your physical, upload the doc, have your parents complete the release on-line and then go see Javier to get this done (freshmen, if you need to be introduced to Javier, ask anyone!).
Thank you! Please get on this right away!