
There will be a virtual meeting held for the entire track team…please scroll down for information on this meeting.


Many of you have already seen the announcement that the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) has cancelled all spring season section and state level championship events.  While that does not mention any league level events, it is hard to imagine that SCVAL will do anything significantly different than CIF.  In addition, there has been a decision for all FUHSD schools to move to distance learning for the remainder of the year.

There is still some discussion at the school district level about what can be done for our seniors, regarding events such as prom.  I’ve also had some discussions with Mr. Bonacorsi, the MVHS athletic director, about what might be done for senior awards night.

I’m finding it hard to let go of MVTF20, and trying to figure out any possibility of keeping us together and getting back together in any form.

The ongoing web announcements feels impersonal and disconnected, so we are going to hold an MVTF web meeting.  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 8 at 4pm.  Mr. Bonacorsi will host the meeting on Zoom, and once we have the meeting set up he will turn the meeting over to Coach Flatow (this is so we can use Mr. Bonacorsi’s educational account which offers some advantages).  Because this meeting could be very large if most of MVTF is logged in, the meeting will not be interactive–we are going to mute all the athletes and most coaches, the format for Wednesday is going to be Coach Flatow addressing the team.  After the meeting, as you digest the information from the meeting, if you have more questions send them to your coaches by email or text, and we can answer directly or come up with a FAQ for commonly asked questions and post the FAQ on, or we will set up follow on Zoom meets for sub-groups (sprint, distance, throws etc) if desired.  Check back here for final call-in information.

There is no magic that we can announce at this meeting, like MVTF has access to a fantastic breakthrough vaccine that will allow us to resume normal practices in 10 days…but we do want to get together, even virtually, rather than only email/blog/texts.

See you on Wednesday!

Here is a link to the CIF announcement.
